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95 results for: WooCommerce


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Gravity Wiz Weekly 236

What would you like to see added to Submit to Access? Plus, how to populate Gravity Forms with Google Sheets (again), and automatically block dates based on Inventory.
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Gravity Wiz Weekly 235

Hot weather calls for hot features! Bulk rescheduling with Notification Scheduler, select all for multi-select fields, and how to build a Gravity-Forms-powered customer messaging system.
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Gravity Wiz Weekly 233

Compare Date fields with Conditional Logic Dates, view uploaded files with Preview Submission, block out date ranges in Gravity Forms, and more spicy highlights.
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Gravity Wiz Weekly 228

The largest collection of Gravity Forms snippets in the universe — over 900 — now searchable and discoverable straight from our website.
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Gravity Wiz Weekly 227

See Populate Anything in action with a new spotlight and a live workshop! Plus, Feed Forge goodness and persistent user-added choices with Advanced Select.
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Allow switching subscriptions for products managed by GS Product Configurator

By default, with WooCommerce Subscriptions, you can only switch subscriptions with products that are either Variable Subscriptions or subscriptions in a Grouped Product.

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Include WC Product Quantity in Total Field

Include the WooCommerce product quantity in the Gravity Forms Total field calculation.

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Display Choice Labels for Product Add-ons

By default, Gravity Forms will display the value of a choice after it has been submitted. Install this snippet to display the label of choices in the WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, Order, etc.

Worth noting, if you use GP Populate Anything, fields with dynamically populated choices will already display the label of the choice rather than the value as Populate Anything relies on the use of IDs and other unique identifiers of objects.

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Exclude Tax Fields

Note: See for details on how to install snippets.

Normally, GP eCommerce Fields Tax fields will be treated as Gravity Forms products when passed to WC Product Add-ons. If WooCommerce is configured to handle taxes, passing the tax fields will result in double-taxation.

This snippet prevents the tax fields/product from being added to WooCommerce cart.

Use case: Display the tax on the product page to help show the customer a tax estimate prior to getting to the cart.

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Gravity Wiz Weekly 225

900 snippets! Plus, show addresses in specific languages, auto attach PDFs to Parent Notifications, and see responses to last week's question, "what do you want in a Notion integration?"
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Michelle Marin's Gravity Forms powered Customer Reporting Portal


Michelle Marin’s Marvelous Gravity-Forms-powered Customer Portal's customer portal provides an automated platform for project feedback, customer correspondence & collaboration, and helped her ditch the dreaded email chains entirely.
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Gravity Wiz Weekly 224

What do you want in a Notion integration? Plus, usability enhancements for Entry Blocks, Nested Forms + Easy Passthrough, Complex (Google) Sheets, and more.
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Gravity Wiz Weekly 222 Cover image


Gravity Wiz Weekly 222

Join us April 11th for a workshop on Entry Blocks! Plus, Block IP ranges with Blocklist, use fewer words with Pay Per Word, add a current time button, and other tasty highlights.
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Gravity Wiz Weekly 220

Better inline confirmations, Advanced Select + Gravity Flow, conditional logic for Checkbox inventory, filtering by Date Drop Down fields, and other tasty treats.
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