Gravity Wiz Weekly 228

The largest collection of Gravity Forms snippets in the universe — over 900 — now searchable and discoverable straight from our website.

Greetings, wizards!

You ever had one of those projects that you’ve been kicking around for years? One that you’re super excited about, even made real progress on, but you kept having to set it aside for other priorities? And all the while, you just couldn’t stop thinking about it?

This newsletter is dedicated to our version of that project, which, after all this time, has finally come alive.

Read on to learn more and see what other wizardry we’ve whipped up this week. 🧙‍♂️

The New Snippet Library 🎉

We’ve been writing snippets to help our customers achieve the unachievable since Gravity Wiz was founded way back in 2012. Since then we’ve accumulated hundreds of free snippets that we actively support and maintain.

In fact, just a few weeks ago we added our 900th snippet to what has become the largest collection of Gravity Forms snippets in all of Middle Earth.

We call it the Snippet Library.

As wonderful as this library is, it had some crucial problems.

  1. It was hard to find snippets without knowing exactly what you were looking for.
  2. It was a challenge to keep the library top of mind as a resource for our customers.
  3. It was difficult for us to identify popular snippets that deserved more attention.

These problems all stemmed from the fact that the library was hosted on GitHub and we didn’t have much control over how the snippets were presented and no access to improve the UX.

Well, those days are over. This week, we’ve launched the new and improved Snippet Library, hosted right here on the Gravity Wiz website. 🙌

The new library gives you:

  • Better search to help you find the exact functionality you’re looking for.
  • Better analytics to help us identify trends and understand which snippets we should prioritize or roll into their associated perks as new features.
  • Better discoverability by linking related resources (perks, articles, snippets, tags) to surface more of the functionality that is already available to you.

And there’s so much more to come!

Workshop X: Populate Anything

Populate Anything will solve so many of your problems you may confuse it with your therapist. It happens.

Come, sit in your most comfortable armchair, and let’s explore the intricacies of the human mind this powerful product together – live!

workshop x cover

We’re kicking this 45 minute session off next week on Thursday, May 23rd at 1pm ET. We’ll start with the basics and then cruise through a myriad of exciting ways you can put this problem-solver to work.

PS – We love to end our workshops with an open Q&A – presubmitted questions are welcomed!


Waitlist for GP Inventory

You’re using GP Inventory to prevent overbooking for your big event but you’d still love to allow interested parties to add themselves to a waiting list. This snippet is just the ticket.

This week, we added support for enabling the snippet per form and field so you can decide which fields (e.g. events) will support a waitlist.

Dynamically Set Submission Limit by User Meta

Behold, the power of a simple snippet and our sorcerous Limit Submission perk. Allow each user to submit a form up to their own personal submission limit, as specified in their user meta.

Use this with the User Registration add-on to set a submission limit in the user meta when the user signs up. Double down on the User Registration add-on and create a second form where they user can pay to increase their submission limit. Pretty cool stuff!

Product Updates

Gravity Perks (2.3.7)

  • Fixed potential PHP warning.

GP Copy Cat (1.4.79)

  • Fixed issues concerning copying to List fields and when it would overwrite and not overwrite.
  • Added gpcc_is_overwrite JavaScript filter hook.

GP File Upload Pro (1.3.17)

GP Nested Forms (1.1.59)

  • Fixed compatibility issue with Gravity Forms
  • Fixed issue where orphaned Nested Entries got loaded, even if session was disabled.

GP Populate Anything (2.0.40)

  • Fixed issue where some fields may not get their data transferred with Gravity Flow Form Connector’s Form Submission workflow step.

GP Unique ID (1.5.8)

  • Improved compatibility with Gravity Flow and GravityView Importer.

GS Product Configurator (1.0-beta-2.10)

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  • Trouble installing this snippet? See our troubleshooting tips.
  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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