Gravity Wiz Weekly #41

gravity wiz weekly

Hello, wizards! February is coming to a close. We’re well into 2018 now. This week brings another host of bug fixes and improvements to our perks. See the full details on that below.

With the booming popularity of GF Nested Forms, we haven’t been able to dedicate as much time to GF Populate Anything as we’d like. The good news is that GFPA is going through it’s final stages of internal testing. Just a week or two more before we can release a public beta!

Stay tuned for another powerhouse perk coming very soon!

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Gravity Perks

Gravity Forms Better User Activation (v1.1.2)

  • Fixed issue where some 3rd party plugins applied the_title filter without passing $post_id as 2nd parameters.

Gravity Forms Disable Entry Creation (v1.0.7)

  • Converted GP_Disable_Entry_Creation class to a singleton to allow 3rd party developers to more easily interact with hooks created for it.
  • Added GP_DISABLE_ENTRY_CREATION constant for version.

Gravity Forms Limit Dates (v1.0.10)

  • Fixed notice generated with PHP 7.2 when days of the week setting was not defined as an array.

Gravity Forms Auto Login (v1.3.2)

  • Fixed issue with GF 2.3; now using GFCommon::openssl_decrypt() instead of GFCommon::decrypt().

Gravity Forms Cookies (v0.9.8) Early Access

  • Updated overwritable property to only overwrite if a new value is set, otherwise, the existing value is preserved.


  1. Chris
    Chris March 9, 2018 at 10:07 am

    Gravity forms limit submission not working at all, I tried using it but is not just working, users keep submitting uncountless time, even when i have added and tried all type of limiting rules.


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