GP Live Preview
Preview your forms on the frontend of your site.
GP Limit Dates
Limit which days are selectable for your Gravity Forms Date Picker fields.
GP Multi-page Navigation
Navigate between form pages quickly by converting the page steps into page links or creating your own custom page links.
GP Unique ID
Generate unique IDs (i.e. reference numbers, codes, invoice numbers, etc.) on submission for your Gravity Form entries.
GP Disable Entry Creation
Disable entry creation per form with Gravity Forms.
GP Preview Submission
Add a simple submission preview to allow users to confirm their submission is correct before submitting the form.
GP Price Range
Specify a minimum/maximum price for “User Defined Price” product fields.
GP Conditional Pricing
Create flexible, conditional pricing for your Gravity Form product fields.
GP Reload Form
Reload the form following an AJAX submission. Useful in situations where you would like to allow multiple form submission without refreshing the page.
GP Limit Checkboxes
Limit how many checkboxes can be checked.
GP Terms Of Service
Add a “Terms of Service” field to your forms.
GP Conditional Logic Dates
Allows Date fields to be used in Gravity Forms conditional logic.
GP Word Count
Limit the number of words that can be submitted in a Single Line Text, Paragraph Text and Post Body fields.
GP Email Users
Send a quick email to all users who have submitted a specific form.
GP Pay Per Word
Create products which calculate a total based on the number of words in a Paragraph of Post Body field.