Gravity Perks is Ready for Gravity Forms 1.9

Gravity Perks (and all individual perks) are now ready for Gravity Forms 1.9! We’ve gone through each plugin and made sure that there were no issues with the upcoming Gravity Forms release.

If you’re not ready to upgrade Gravity Forms, don’t worry. All perks are fully backwards compatible. You can update Gravity Perks now and worry about updating Gravity Forms later.

Update Required

Most perks will automatically work with the new version of Gravity Forms without issue. A few perks needed some code changes. Make sure you update the following perks prior to Gravity Forms’ 1.9 release which will likely be available in the next couple weeks.

  • GP Terms of Service (v1.2)
  • GP Limit Choices (v1.5)
  • GP Read Only (v1.2)
  • GP Preview Submission (1.0.2)
  • GP Placeholders (v1.3)

Gravity Forms Placeholder Support

Gravity Forms 1.9 adds some pretty awesome placeholder support. For most users, this core support will replace the GP Placeholder perk. If you still need placeholders for the List field or Password field types, you can continue using GP Placeholder congruently with GF 1.9.

Can I run GP Placeholder with Gravity Forms?

Yes, the latest version of GP Placeholder has been updated so it will automatically convert existing placeholder data to Gravity Forms new format and only provide custom placeholder support for fields that Gravity Forms does not support by default (like the List and Password field types).

Will you need to re-enter all of your placeholder settings?

Nope! Almost all placeholder data will automatically convert to the new GF placeholder format. The Email field type does require a special conversion to work with Gravity Forms placeholder format. Just upgrade to GP Placeholder 1.3 and this will be handled automatically for you.

This is just one thing that makes Gravity Perks awesome. If any feature is ever rolled into core, we’ll do our best to make sure that you’re existing data will “just work”. Who has time to reconfigure a hundred forms?

Report Bugs

If you run into any issues, we’re here and happy to help.

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  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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