Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #11

Mid March brings us a couple useful snippets and a sprinkle of bug fixes. It’s been a quiet week with a new perk on the horizon!
Display Filename for File Upload Fields — Gravity Forms has a handy snippet for displaying the filename instead of the full file URL. This filter will do the same for File Upload fields in an HTML field (via Gravity Forms Preview Submission). View Snippet
Modify the Blacklist Validation Message — Here’s a little trick for setting your own validation message for blacklist validation powered by Gravity Forms Blocklist. View Snippet
Here’s a full list of updates we made to Gravity Perks this week:
Gravity Forms Media Library (v1.0.7)
- Fixed notice generated when checking for existing file ID when none existed.
- Fixed notice genrated when replacing merge tags without an entry object.
Gravity Forms Unique ID (v1.3.2)
- Updated unique ID generation to happen on gform_entry_post_save priority 8 so that it will still be generated before GF feeds are processed but also give other plugins an oppurtunity (priority 9) to interact with unique ID before GF feeds as processed as well.
Gravity Perks (v1.2.18.5)
- Fixed issue where WP Engine’s PHP validator was throwing a false positive error when PHP version was upgraded.
- Updated GP_Perk::generate_options() method to better handle numeric associative arrays.
- Fixed issue where in some cases the perk post-installation actions would show up for non-perk plugins.
- Fixed issue with perk installation and updates for Windows servers.
- Changed plugin author to Gravity Wiz.
- Updated plugin URL
- Fixed PHP standards issue