Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #21

We’ll keep it short and sweet this week. We’re still working hard on Gravity Perks 2.0 and several new perks. Be on the lookout for Gravity Forms Limit Submissions to drop before July.
This week we made several updates to better support localization in our perks. If you look closely you’ll find that GF Conditional Pricing received a new hidden feature that you can take for a spin. ;)
Here’s a full list of updates we made to Gravity Perks this week:
Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing (v1.2.31)
- Fixed issue were field dependencies were not correctly identified and result in dependent fields not triggering a pricing update in some cases.
- Fixed issues related to new importer.
- Added preliminary support for importing pricing levels; must be activated via filter. add_filter( ‘gpcp_enable_importer’, ‘__return_true’ );
Gravity Forms Copy Cat (v1.4.21)
- Added support for targeting Credit Card field expiration date.
Gravity Forms Limit Choices (v1.6.17)
- Fixed typo in localized string.
- Updated POT file.
- Added localization support.