Gravity Wiz Weekly #101

WordPress Block Editor support, better hook docs, more free resources.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards. 🙂

Post Content Merge Tags 1.2

The latest version of our handy GF Post Content Merge Tags plugin is dropping today with support for the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg)! Post Content Merge Tags is continues to be the easiest tool for including Gravity Forms data in your WordPress content.

Improved Hook Documentation

We strive to make our products as flexible as possible. To support this effort, we have hundreds of hooks across our suite of + Gravity Forms add-ons.

I’m happy to announce that all of our hooks are now fully documented! We will continue to organically improve our hook documentation with additional usage examples demonstrating just how powerful building with Gravity Perks and Gravity Forms can be.

Alright, wizards. Until next week. ⚡️


Creating Coupons for WooCommerce with Gravity Forms
Migrated snippet to the Snippet Library. This snippet also supports creating Gravity Forms coupons and Easy Digital Download coupons.

Hide Personal Information with GF All Fields Template
Migrated snippet to the Snippet Library. We also added support for excluding specific inputs of multi-input fields. This is a great way to hide personal data (like first names and street addresses) when using the {all_fields} merge tag.

Generate a URL to repopulate a form from your CRM
Import the Easy Passthrough token into your CRM (or other service) by saving it into a field so it can be mapped in Gravity Forms feeds. Once the token is in your CRM, you can create a URL to repopulate a form with your customer data. They’ll thank you immediately. You can thank us later. 😉

Gravity Perks

GP Copy Cat (v1.4.31)

  • Fixed a regression with subfields copying introduced in 1.4.26.
  • Fixed issue where value filtered with deprecated filter was ignored.
  • Fixed a regression where GPCC may throw a JS error if the class is added to the target field.

GP Limit Checkboxes (v1.2.15)

  • Added support for Gravity Flow’s User Input steps.

GP Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-8.74)

  • Added support for an :index modifier to allow targeting a specific ch… (#38)
  • Fixed an issue where the “html” format was forced on the simple list template.
  • Fixed an issue where a misconfigured nested form may generate PHP warnings in other perks.
  • Fixed an issue in IE11 where GPNF would scroll to the top after editing an entry.
  • Fixed issue where requested spinner graphic did not exist in Gravity Forms 2.5.

GP Page Transitions (v1.0-beta-1.16)

  • Fixed issue where auto-progression did not work as expected for most field types.

GP Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-4.115)

  • Fixed an issue where numeric strings may be cast as a number causing population to fail.
  • Fixed issue where Live Merge Tags would not work reliably in radio input values — especially when form pages are involved.
  • Fixed an issue where LMTs may pick up the wrong values if the form is embedded in another’s confirmation message.

GP Post Content Merge Tags (v1.2)

  • Added support for adding Gravity Forms merge tags in the WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg)!
  • Added inline docs for “gppct_always_process_merge_tags” and “gppct_process_general_merge_tags”.

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  • Trouble installing this snippet? See our troubleshooting tips.
  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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