Gravity Wiz Weekly #60

Merry Christmas, wizards!
Gravity Perks 2.1 has dropped and we’re already up to 2.1.2. This new version introduces a major improvement to how Gravity Perks communicates with the Gravity Wiz licensing and product updates API. If you haven’t already updated, here’s a download link.
For the rest of the muh muh muh monster updates (including FOUR new snippets and a laundry list of bug fixes for Gravity Forms Populate Anything), read on!
Gravity Perks // GP eCommerce Fields // Set Tax Amount Dynamically
A useful example of how you can set the tax amount (and any other eCommerce Fields field property) dynamically.
Gravity Perks // GP Limit Submissions // Disable Limit Feeds when Editing via Sticky List
Gravity Forms Limit Submissions will limit all form submissions by default. Use this snippet do disable limits when editing an entry via the Sticky List add-on.
Gravity Perks // GP Populate Anything // Tiny Mailing List
Send an email to each user who
submitted Form A when Form B is submitted. This should not be used to large numbers of notifications. This is an excellent complement to our upcoming Gravity Forms Populate Anything plugin.
Gravity Perks // GF Populate Anything // Only Show Unique Choices
Only show unique choices when populating a choice-based field with Gravity Forms Populate Anything.
Gravity Wiz Weekly Newsletter
Don't miss a thing. Get our weekly updates by owl or email. Ok, we're still working on the owl service, so just email for now.
Gravity Perks
Gravity Perks (v2.1.2)
- Fixed several fatal errors that occurred when running older versions of Gravity Forms.
- Fixed issue where unmet minimum requirements did not prevent GP_Plugin-based perks from initializing.
- Updated minimum required version of Gravity Forms to fix fatal errors where GFAddon::meets_minimum_requirements() did not exist.
- Fixed issue where Gravity Wiz API wouldn’t have its cache cleared
Gravity Forms Limit Choices (v1.6.25)
- Fixed potential performance issue when limiting choices on a form with a large amount of entries.
Gravity Forms Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-6.15)
- Fixed issue where Nested Form fields on different forms loaded on the same page did not initialize correctly.
- Updated “gpnf_append_nested_forms_to_footer” to default to true if “gform_init_scripts_footer” is set to true.
- Updated priority of GP_Nested_Forms::output_nested_forms_markup() to 21 to ensure it is output after jQuery.
- Updated session cookie with COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN, and secure flag.
- Updated cookies to use COOKIE_DOMAIN constant for consistency with WordPress.
- Added “gpnf_session_script_data” filter to allow modifying the data used to initialize the session script.
- Added basic responsive fix to prevent Nested Entries table from spilling outside container on mobile.
Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator (v1.0-beta-2.8) Early Access
- Updated minimum required version of Gravity Forms to; required for change in GFMergeTag.parseMergeTags() function that allows passing a custom pattern.
- Fixed issue with accuracy of {weekdays} and {weekendDays} merge tags.
- Added version parameter to script enqueue so updates will bypass browser and file caches.
Gravity Forms Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-1.19) Early Access
- Updated to populate choices when form is submitted; better aligns with developer expectation when interacting with fields during submission.
- Improved GF Entry Object Type to exclude trashed entries by default.
- Fixed formatting issue with custom value input in GPPA field settings.
- Fixed issue where preview results would be queried prior to completing filter/template changes.
- Fixed issue where GPPA settings would reload when re-opening the same field’s settings.
- Fixed issue where List field would show as a supported field type when multiple columns are enabled.
- Fixed issue where property values wouldn’t reload when re-opening a field’s settings.
- Fixed various issues with chained choice fields and placeholders.
- Fixed issue where properties of GF Entry and Database object types would not load in the admin when switching between fields that both use the same object type and primary property.
- Fixed issue with certain operators such as contains and starts with.
- Updated GP_Populate_Anything::process_template(); requires a list of all matching objects which are passed to the gppa_process_template filter. This allows 3rd party support for populating multiple results into a single input.
- Fixed fatal error when Gravity Forms was not active.
- Fixed issue with merge tag parsing in custom templates
- Fixed potential error with gppaTruncateStringMiddle
- Updated “Loading…” markup with container to allow better styling control.
- Fix issue where GPPA_FILTER_FIELD_MAP and GPPA_FIELD_VALUE_OBJECT_MAP localization did not occur when rendering form via gravity_forms() function.
- Updated documentation URL.