Tag: datepicker

Gravity Wiz Weekly 232

WordCamp Europe recap? Check. Rotate your photos with File Upload Pro? Check. Default sorting with Populate Anything? ✅ Conditional Logic for Feed Forge? Check!

6 Tips to Perfect Your Gravity Forms Datepicker

Supercharge the Gravity Forms Datepicker with linked fields, improved mobile experience, and more!

Inline Datepickers with Gravity Forms

Replace the Gravity Forms datepicker with an inline datepicker to improve the mobile experience.

Calculate Age with Gravity Forms

Accurately calculate a customer’s age based on their date of birth.

How to link Date fields with Gravity Forms

A simple method for linking two Date fields; the date selected in the first field becomes the minimum date selectable in the second.

How to limit dates to weekdays or weekends with Gravity Forms

Limit dates to weekdays, weekends or any other group of days.

How to require a future or past date with Gravity Forms Date Picker

Require dates to be greater than or less than current date (a.k.a. future or past dates).