Documentation Category: Hook


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Filter to modify the filter groups used in the query. This is useful for adding additional filters or removing existing filters. Usage Parameters $filter_groups …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Filters the text for the new draft link. Usage Apply to draft links for all forms. Apply to draft links for a specific form. …

gpapf_intltelinput_options (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesChange the number type used for placeholdersSinceDescription Filter the options passed to intl-tel-input during initialization. Usage Parameters intlTelInputOptions intlTelInput.Options The intlTelInput options. See the available …

gppt_swiper_options (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesScroll to the top of the page instead of form when slides changeSinceDescription Filter the options passed to Swiper during initialization. Usage Parameters options object …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Filters the given user’s resume tokens for a given form. This filter is applied to a user’s resume tokens for a given form before …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesSkip hydrating the values of conditionally hidden fields.SinceDescription Filter whether a field’s value should be skipped during hydration. This can be useful in situations such …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesCustomize Resume MessageDescription Filters the resume notice for a draft. Usage Apply to all forms. Apply to a specific form. Parameters message string The resume …

gplc_excluded_input_selectors (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplePrevent input with class from being enabled/disabledDescription Filter the input selectors used to exclude inputs from being checked/unchecked. Usage Parameters excludedInputSelectors array Input selectors to …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesCustomize QR code styling.SinceDescription Filters the content of the QR code file. This is the raw content of the file and is useful if the …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Filter the current URL after it has been cleaned. This filter is useful when you need to remove custom query params from the current …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExampleDisable Advanced Save and Continue From JavascriptDescription Perform an action or side effect after a form’s GPAdvancedSaveAndContinue instance has been initialized. Usage Parameters formId number …

gpecf_field_total (PHP)

DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesAdd a Flat Rate of 5.5 to the Tax field with ID 4.Description Modify the calculation of the field total on submission. This filter must …

gpecf_field_total (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExampleAdd a Flat Rate of 5.5 to the Tax field with ID 4.Description Modify the calculation of the field total. This filter must be used …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesReplace the Space Separators with DashesDescription Filter to modify phone value rendered with the merge tag and its modifiers. Usage Parameters $text string The phone …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesChange the encoding for all forms and shortcodes to use UTF-8 when generating QR codesSinceDescription Filters the encoding used when generating QR codes. If you …