Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #12

March is cooking and I’m not just talking about the ridiculously warm weather here on the East Coast. We’ve got two new perks in active development. Gravity Forms Better User Activation is wrapping up. We’ll announce the other perk soon! For now, here’s this weeks updates.
Validate Current Password — Want to require a user to confirm their current password before changing their password? View Snippet
Edit Products & Payment Details on Entry Detail — Gravity Forms does not let you edit products on the entry detail page. This plugin let’s you edit products and will also allow you to modify the payment details. View Snippet
Here’s a full list of updates we made to Gravity Perks this week:
Gravity Perks (v1.2.18.6)
- Fixed fatal error when activating plugin in Network mode due to removed function.
- Fixed notice generated due to missing 3rd parameter for ‘update_plugin_complete_actions’ filter.
Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing (v1.2.27)
- Fixed issue where Single Product quantity did not trigger pricing update when HTML5 was enabled and quantity was set via HTML5 spinbox.
Here’s a full list of updates we made to Gravity Perks this week:
Gravity Forms eCommerce Fields (v1.0.beta1.3)
- Updated integration with WC GF Product Add-ons to now show eCommerce fields in cart description.
- Fixed documentation URL (previously resulted in 404).
- Fixed fatal error when gf_coupons() was not available.