Gravity Perks Weekly Updates #6

Welcome to February! Apparently we were in self-improvement mood this past week. Lots of new features and enhancements to report.
GP Media Library now supports mapping GF Multi-file Upload fields to ACF’s Gallery field! Read this post for step by step instructions on setting this up.
We also added support for a “:link” modifier for the image merge tags we added last week. This will wrap the generated <img>’s in a link to the full-sized image URL. Here’s a quick example that will show the thumbnail image and automatically link to the full-sized image.
Example: {File Upload:1:thumbnail:link}
GP Conditional Logic Dates received some major enhancements this week.
- You can now created conditional logic rules based on Time fields.
- You can now use Date & Time fields when configuring conditional logic on any Gravity Forms feed-based add-on.
- We improved the UI for selecting Dates when configuring conditional logic rules; a datepicker is now provided.
Whew. That was a lot and there’s even more! Read on for a full list of this week’s Gravity Perks changes.
GP Media Library (v1.0.4)
- Added support for mapping GF Multi-file Upload fields to ACF’s Gallery field.
- Added support for “:link” modifier; automatically wraps generated
in a link to the full sized image.
- Added support for automatically replacing GPML-enabled field images with the medium-sized thumbnail when viewed in Gravity View.
GP Limit Choices (v1.6.14)
- Fixed issue where Product fields with values containing special characters were not counted towards the limit correctly.
- Updated how Product field values are sanitized.
GP Copy Cat (v1.4.7)
- Fixed issue where targeting a field from itself (via copy cat class) would cause infinte loop.
- Fixed issue introduced in 1.4.5 that would incorrectly sort values when copying from multi-input fields.
GP Conditional Logic Dates (v1.0.beta6.2)
- Removed input mask from the rule value input for date-based conditional logic rules; allows merge tags to be used (i.e. {today})
- Added support for processing conditional logic on GF feeds.
- Added support for Time fields.
- Added support for Datepicker when specifying date-based conditional logic rules.
- Added support for Time & Datepicker UI helpers when creating date-and-time-based conditional logic rules in other places than the form editor.
- Updated conditional logic events to use ‘gfield_trigger_change’ class rather than manually adding logic events to input markup.
- Updated inline form script; it has been moved to the gp-conditional-logic-dates.js file.
Gravity Forms Multi-page Form Navigation (v1.0.beta2.11)
- Fixed issue where jumping to a target page from a source page with a conditional page between them caused the target page to be incorrectly adjusted by Gravity Forms.
- Fixed issue where in some cases, navigating after using a custom page link would cause the form to revalidate.
Hi All Thanks for the recent updates. We are happily building forms on and I was wondering if you yet have a request for adding/respecting conditional logic in page navigation? We have some pages that are not required for all types of submissions, but the pages show in the navigation irrespective.
Cheers, Jeffrey Love Web Developer Analyst
Hi Jeffrey, respecting conditional logic for page display is coming to Gravity Forms core this year. As such, we’ve decided to let GF handle it. Our perk will automatically integrate with this feature when it is available. :)