Gravity Wiz Weekly #31

Hello, wizards. It’s been a few weeks. Here’s a quick update to get us back into the swing of things.
Gravity Wiz Weekly Newsletter
Don't miss a thing. Get our weekly updates by owl or email. Ok, we're still working on the owl service, so just email for now.
Gravity Perks
Gravity Forms Pay Per Word (v1.1.2)
- Fixed issue when TinyMCE was not enqueued.
- Fixed issue where prices were not formatted correctly in the field settings.
- Updated perk to use GP_Bootstrap
- Added support for Gravity Form 2.0 Rich Text Editors
Gravity Forms Email Users (v1.3.6)
- Updated fetching entries to use GFAPI::get_entries() instead of GFFormsModel::get_leads().
- Added ‘gpeu_forms’ filter to allow filtering which forms are available to email users.
Gravity Forms eCommerce Fields (v1.0.11)
- Fixed a JS issue where fields hidden via conditional logic would always trigger a change event creating an infinite loop.
- Fixed issue where change event was triggered for fields when values were the same but of different types (e.g. “40” != 40).
- Fixed issue where in some browsers, when previously entered values were saved, refreshing the page would result in a mismatch between the displayed value and the input value.
- Updated field-specific merge tags to automatically display as currency (100 => $100.00).
Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing (v1.2.36)
- Fixed issue where a required flag on Single Product fields was not respected.