Gravity Wiz Weekly #47

Hello, wizards!
We’re working very hard on a new redesign for the landing page. Want a little teaser? That was rhetorical. We know you do. ?

More on that soon!
If you’ve been following our updates for a while, you know we’ve been on the prowl for a new apprentice to help out with support. We ended up finding a full-fledged support wizard! Rafael will be joining the team full time today to continue providing you guys with the sorcerously good support you’ve come to expect from Gravity Wiz. We are SO amped!
Alright, let’s all get back to work now. Have a happy Monday and don’t forget to check out this week’s fresh snippets and perk updates below!
Gravity Wiz // Gravity Forms // Display Navigation as “Step n of x“
A quick-n-dirty snippet for changing the form navigation to give the current page number out of the total page number (i.e. page 2 of a 4 page form would read, “Step 2 of 4”).
Gravity Perks // GP Nested Forms // Change Submit Button Text when Editing
This will probably make it into GP Nested Forms core sooner rather than later but if you want an extra bit of polish now, this snippet will change the “Submit” button to read “Edit” when editing a child entry.
Gravity Perks
Gravity Forms Auto Login (v1.0.3)
- Fixed issue where next and previous buttons hidden via conditional logic prevented navigation from submitting form.
Gravity Forms Limit Dates (v1.0.11)
- Fixed issue where change event was not triggered for inline datepickers when new min/max date was set.
Gravity Forms Limit Choices (v1.6.23)
- Added missing translation support for rogue string.
Gravity Forms Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-5.7)
- Fixed issue with List field values containing commas being incorrectly split up when populating child form for editing.
- Added security enhancement to better protect viewing/editing/deleting child entries on the frontend.
Gravity Forms Word Count (v1.4.5)
- Added translation support.