Gravity Wiz Weekly #49

gravity wiz weekly

Hello, wizards!

This is my last week in Croatia. It’s been a blast but I’m ready to come home and get back up to full speed. We have so many awesome new perks in the pipeline. Clay and I are going to be working hard all summer pumping out the freshest perks this side of the Mississippi! Stay tuned for more. ?

This week we have a fresh batch of bug fixes and enhancements to our existing perks. Full scoop below.

Gravity Perks

Gravity Forms Conditional Logic Dates (v1.0.4)

  • Fixed issue with GP Limit Dates where inline datepickers used in conditional logic did not evaluate correctly.

Gravity Forms Limit Dates (v1.0.12)

  • Added support for script/style minification.
  • Added support for GP Limit Dates inline datepicker.

Gravity Forms Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-5.14)

  • Fixed security issues.
  • Updated feed processing to only filter feeds when an entry has been created; allows feed validation to still process.

Gravity Forms Blocklist (v1.2.6)

  • Fixed issue where field setting was not appearing.
  • Removed old form settings methods.


  1. Nick Walter
    Nick Walter June 25, 2018 at 2:55 am

    Hi there,

    are you planning on a perk that can make “Conditional Choices”? For example: Activate Choice C if the value of Field A is / is not / is greater than XX. This would be so helpful for a lot of our current forms.

    Thx in advance, Nick


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