Gravity Wiz Weekly #49

Hello, wizards!
This is my last week in Croatia. It’s been a blast but I’m ready to come home and get back up to full speed. We have so many awesome new perks in the pipeline. Clay and I are going to be working hard all summer pumping out the freshest perks this side of the Mississippi! Stay tuned for more. ?
This week we have a fresh batch of bug fixes and enhancements to our existing perks. Full scoop below.
Gravity Perks
Gravity Forms Conditional Logic Dates (v1.0.4)
- Fixed issue with GP Limit Dates where inline datepickers used in conditional logic did not evaluate correctly.
Gravity Forms Limit Dates (v1.0.12)
- Added support for script/style minification.
- Added support for GP Limit Dates inline datepicker.
Gravity Forms Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-5.14)
- Fixed security issues.
- Updated feed processing to only filter feeds when an entry has been created; allows feed validation to still process.
Gravity Forms Blocklist (v1.2.6)
- Fixed issue where field setting was not appearing.
- Removed old form settings methods.
Hi there,
are you planning on a perk that can make “Conditional Choices”? For example: Activate Choice C if the value of Field A is / is not / is greater than XX. This would be so helpful for a lot of our current forms.
Thx in advance, Nick
Hi Nick, we don’t have any definite plans for this feature.
OK! And is this something you are interested to work on? :)