Gravity Wiz Weekly #70

Populate Anything ❤️ GravityView, Shared Limits, Minimum Order Quantity.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards. ?

I’ll be in California and New Mexico this week but don’t worry, I brought my spell book! Lots of new magic coming your way. ⚡️

Last week we implemented a few awesome features to better integrate Populate Anything with GravityView. Fields with choices filtered by other field values will now be filtered when using the GravityView Search Widget. This allows quick and accurate searching to find the exact entries you’re looking for.

Demo of GravityView Search Widget Integration

Also, dynamically populated choice-based fields now work with the Inline Edit plugin. Click on the field value and the available choices will be populated dynamically based on the field settings. We’re going do a full write up on both of these features soon!

Limit Choices got a new filter, gpls_choice_counts, which allows sharing counts between different-valued choices. This means Choices A and B could share a limit of 10 while Choice C could have it’s own limit of 10.

That’s it for now. Full deets below. Until next week!



Minimum Order Quantity
This snippet has been updated to support only showing the validation message on fields that have a value specified.

Gravity Perks

Gravity Forms Copy Cat (v1.4.24)

  • Updated plugin author.
  • Fixed issue where Drop Down value was set to null when attempting to populate value that did not exist.

Gravity Forms Limit Choices (v1.6.30)

  • Added gpls_choice_counts filter to allow sharing counts between different-valued choices.
  • Updated gplc_choice_counts filter so that the modified $counts variable is returned by the function.
  • Updated plugin author.

Gravity Forms Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-7.10)

  • Fixed fatal error generated by trashing a parent entry after child entry has been permanently deleted.
  • Fixed issue where <hr> in All Fields markup were incorrectly visible in some mail clients.
  • Fixed issue where close button was not styled property in Safari on mobile devices.

Gravity Forms Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-2.59)

  • Added compatibility for dependent choice-based fields in the GravityView search widget.
  • Added support for select fields with dynamically populated choices in GravityView’s Inline Edit
  • Added support for BuddyPress extended profile fields as properties in the User object type.
  • Added compatibility for GravityView’s search sidebar widget.
  • Added support for dynamically populated fields in the GravityView search widget.
  • Added support for Live Merge tags to be used with multiple forms on the same page as well as GP Nested Forms!
  • Fixed a regression where fields with empty values would not be used.
  • Fixed issue where the results preview would show the incorrect results if populating both choices and value(s).
  • Fixed a potential PHP notice which didn’t cause any harm other than getting a little chatty in log files.
  • Fixed issue with fields that have dynamic choices wouldn’t have their value properly set when editing the entry through GravityView’s edit entry view.
  • Fixed broken spinner URL.
  • Fixed notice in GP_Populate_Anything::ajax_get_query_results() method.
  • Fixed an issue with the ‘gppa_process_template’ filter where $template would be populated with the actual template value rather than the template name. gppa_process_template’s $template argument has been renamed to $template_name and you can expect values such as “value”, “label”, and “price”
  • Fixed taxonomy term filter in Post Object type to search by ID and then slug.
  • Fixed conflict with Internet Explorer. Populate Anything will now work for IE 8 and newer. The Populate Anything settings in the Gravity Forms form editor requires IE 11 or greater.


  1. Matthew
    Matthew July 24, 2020 at 3:53 am

    “Also, dynamically populated choice-based fields now work with the Inline Edit plugin. Click on the field value and the available choices will be populated dynamically based on the field settings. We’re going do a full write up on both of these features soon!”

    Hello, did you do a write up for this after? I’m stuggling to make dynamically populated choice-based fields this work with inline edit.

    Regards Mat

  2. Laurent
    Laurent May 27, 2019 at 9:44 am

    Hey David, thanks for the reply. Both. I would populate in a list field in Form B, another list field from an entry in Form A. So basically, lists fields to lists fields.

  3. Laurent
    Laurent May 24, 2019 at 9:05 am

    Awesome job guys as always! Do you have an ETA on when Populate Anything will be compatible with List Fields. That would be amazing.

    1. David Smith
      David Smith Staff May 24, 2019 at 9:50 am

      No definite ETA but we’re hoping to include it in the 1.0 release. Are you looking to populate to or from List fields? Or both?

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