Gravity Wiz Weekly #76
Nested Forms Final Beta, Security Audit, Bug Fixes.

Greetings, wizards!
Final Nested Forms Beta Released!
After much ado, we’re incredibly happy to announce the final beta for Nested Forms has been released. This release is PACKED with awesome new features: responsive styling, a brand new modal experience, and support for exporting child entries with parent entries just to name a few!
Security Audit
We hired a security agency to execute a security audit on Gravity Perks and some of our more complex perks. The security audit was completed in August and today we’ve published the last of the resultant security enhancements. We’re committed to keeping Gravity Perks as secure as possible!
Regularly Scheduled Updates
We made a lot of bug fixes and enhancements for Populate Anything with a few smaller bug fixes for Disable Entry Creation, Easy Passthrough, and Limit Checkboxes. Full details below. Upgrade at your earliest convenience.
Alright, wizards. Until next week. β‘οΈ
All Fields Template
Do you need to take complete control of the Gravity Forms {all_fields} merge tag output? This plugin has been updated to be compatible with PHP 7.3.
Gravity Perks
Gravity Perks (v2.1.9)
- Added security enhancements.
- Removed deprecated Markdown library.
Disable Entry Creation (v1.0.9)
- Fixed conflict with Nested Forms where attempting to delete the same entry twice created fatal error.
Easy Passthrough (v1.4.6)
- Fixed issue where loading entry too early would cache form before Nested Forms had a chance to register it’s field type.
Limit Checkboxes (v1.2.10)
- Fixed conflict with Import Entries by bypassing validation when importing.
Media Library (v1.2.2)
- Added logging support.
Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-8)
- Added full integration with GravityView.
- Added support for exporting child entries alongside their parent entry.
- Added resopnsive styling and implemented a new modal experience.
- Added ‘gpnf_entry_limit_min’ and ‘gpnf_entry_limit_max’ WordPress filters.
- Added merge tag modifiers to merge tag selector for calculation-enabled fields.
- Added message when max entry limit is reached.
- Added security enhancement.
- Added is_gravityview() helper method.
- Added support for admins and users with the ‘gravityforms_edit_entries’ capability to edit nested entries on the front end created by other users
- Added nested-entries-count.php template. This is a new template that can be used to display the count of child entries in a parent entries.
- Added support for changing modal spinner via Gravity Forms’ “gform_ajax_spinner_url” filter.
- Added gpnf_disable_export_fields filter to allow disabling the addition of child form fields to the parent form export settings.
- Updated Nested Form field value handling.
- Updated GravityView integration to use the count template for views and the simple template on single entry pages.
- Fixed issue where query parameters were not populated correctly when editing child entries.
- Fixed issue where Delete and Cancel buttons would show in Nested Forms on GravityView edit views.
- Fixed conflict with Preview Confirmation where psuedo-entry without a proper entry ID would return child entries that did not belong to the psuedo-entry.
- Fixed issue where extra lines were being added to parent export when no child fields were selected.
- Removed feed processing setting to alleviate confusion.
Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-3.24)
- Added explicit support for populating choices in Gravity Flow’s User field.
- Added additional security enhancement.
- Added support for dynamically populating the price of choices in the Shipping field when set to the “Drop Down” field type.
- Fixed breaking issues with Database Object Type that were related to the recent security enhancements.
- Fixed regression with the “Ordering” setting.
- Improved compatibility with Gravity Flow’s entry view.
- Improved handling of array-based fields (such as Name) when populated as a value into a field or choice.
- Updated array-based values to be delimited with a comma and space instead of simply a comma.
- Fixed issue where extraneous AJAX requests would be triggered in some cases.
- Fixed potential PHP notices.
- Fixed issue where thousand separators would cause issues with filters that compared numbers.
- Fixed issue where “Only Show Unique Results” setting would not work for the Database Object Type.
- Fixed issue where GPPA would cause some choice-based fields to show an empty choice section in the Gravity Forms Form Editor.
- Fixed issue where some array-based values would show as JSON in certain fields.
- Fixed potential SQL errors related to grouping with the Database Object Type
- Fixed issue where the {database:PROPERTY} merge tag format would not work in the Custom Value option for the Database Object Type.