Gravity Wiz Weekly #77
Feedback Wanted, Date Time Calculator, Feed-specific Submit Button.

Greetings, wizards. ?
Feedback Wanted: Nested Forms
If you didn’t hear, the final beta for Nested Forms is available. We’re eager to hear more feedback before we release the 1.0. Tell us what you think!
1.0 Development Begins for Date Time Calculator
We’ve officially begun development for the 1.0 release of our very popular early-access perk Date Time Calculator. This perk allows you to use Date fields directly in your Gravity Forms calculations. You can calculate ages, time between two dates (in days, months, years, etc), and even the number of week or weekend days between two dates. More details on this powerful perk soon!
Regularly Scheduled Updates
We cooked up a very cool snippet this week that allows you to change the label of your submit button depending on which payment feed will be used to process the submitted Gravity Forms submission. This currently only works for Stripe payment feeds and is an excellent way to set user expectation when redirecting users to the new SCA-compliant Stripe Checkout page. We’ll be doing a full writeup on this snippet later this week.
For a full list of updates to the Gravity Perks suite, read on below.
Alright, wizards. Until next week. β‘οΈ
Feed-specific Submit Button
With the introduction of the Stripe Checkout page for SCA compliance, this snippet will allow you to better set the user expectation about what will happen when they click the submit button.
Gravity Perks
Easy Passthrough (v1.4.7)
- Fixed issue where entry inputs replaced inputs to be rendered resulting in notices where all inputs were expected (e.g. Credit Card fields).
- Fixed issue where disabled GP Easy Passthrough feeds would continue to populate forms.
eCommerce Fields (v1.0.27)
- Fixed issue where Discount fields which excluded specific products were not correctly exempted when calculating an excluded product’s individual price.
Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-8.2)
- Fixed issue where new method for retrieving Nested Form field value dynamically incorrectly returned all child entries for a parent entry rather than only the child entries for the current Nested Form field.
- Fixed regression with {Parent} merge tag when using the new responsive UI.
Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-3.27)
- Fixed issue where dynamically populated Paragraph fields using the Rich Text Editor would lose the Rich Text Editor capabilities after being populated.
- Fixed potential fatal PHP error with the Gravity Forms Entry Object Type.
- Fixed issue where using a Live Merge Tag inside a Product field’s label would prevent the form from submitting.
Read Only (v1.3.9)
- Added support for marking the quantity input of a Product field using the “Calculation” field type as Read-only.
- Updated plugin author.