Gravity Wiz Weekly #81

gravity wiz weekly

Season’s greetings, wizards. πŸ™‚

Do you know what happens when four wizards get together to celebrate the holidays? A good time!

Gravity Wiz joined Gravity Forms along with some of GF’s most popular 3rd-party developers for a week of good conversation, collaboration, and even a few fun activities. We’re excited to hit 2020 hard with our renewed friendships and a shared passion for giving Gravity Forms the best 3rd-party ecosystem of any WordPress form builder.

Even with all that socializing we still found time to churn out a flurry of fixes and improvements to the Gravity Perks suite. See the full list below.

Alright, wizards. Until next week. ⚑️

Gravity Perks

Conditional Logic Dates (v1.0.14)

  • Fixed issue where merge tags such as {today} wouldn’t work with conditional logic in Gravity Flow steps.
  • Fixed issue where 12pm was treated as midnight of the next day.

Conditional Pricing (v1.2.39)

  • Fixed issue where deleted fields were not removed from conditional pricing rules.

Date Time Calculator (v1.0-beta-3.12)

  • Added new gpdtc_rejected_calc_email_to filter.
  • Fixed issue where {weekend} and {weekendDays} merge tags would fail validation during form submission.
  • Fixed potential calculation issues with certain timezone offsets.
  • Fixed timezone offset issues with {today} merge tag.
  • Fixed issue where the delta check upon submission would reject field values that have been changed by users in editable fields such as Gravity Flow’s Vacation Days field.
  • Fixed issue where multiple {weekendDays} and/or {weekdays} merge tags couldn’t be used in the same calculation formula.
  • Fixed issue conflict with date fields being used in formulas that are after the first page on an AJAX-enabled multi-page form.

Easy Passthrough (v1.4.11)

  • Improved compatibility with GP Populate Anything’s Live Merge Tags by adjusting the priority of when GP_Easy_Passthrough#populate_fields is ran on the gform_pre_render filter.
  • Added gpep_target_field_value filter.

Limit Checkboxes (v1.2.11)

  • Fixed issue where gplc_validation_message filter was not working when field/group was under minimum.

Limit Submissions (v1.0-beta-1.20)

  • Added gpls_bypass_gravityview filter to allow validating limits when editing via GravityView.
  • Added gpls_before_query action to allow modifying the rule evaluation query before it is executed.
  • Fixed styling issue with WordPress 5.3.

Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-8.20)

  • Improved performance of dynamic Nested Form field value retrieval.
  • Updated how Nested Form field values are handled; fixes issue where fetching a parent entry via GFAPI::get_entry() failed to populate the correct value for Nested Form fields.
  • Updated the PartialEntries acceptance test.
  • Fixed issue where Entry Limit was not honored when displaying a child form.
  • Fixed notice generated when refreshing nested form markup.

Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-3.43)

  • Fixed potential recursion with circular dependencies in dynamically populated fields.
  • Fixed issue where Pricing fields would not show properly on multipage forms when used with the Partial Entries Add-on and GPPA.
  • Fixed potential conflict with GP eCommerce Fields.
  • Added support for Gravity Forms Slider Field add-on (by Bhagwant Banger).

Post Content Merge Tags (v1.1.11)

  • Fixed issue where Post Content Merge Tags would cause a plugin initialization failure with the Classic Editor block in Gutenberg.


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