Gravity Wiz Weekly #84

How much is a wizard’s weight in wands?

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards. 🙂

We’ll keep things short and sweet this week. We’re still hard at work planning the rest of our year… so many projects to pick from, so many perks to prioritize!

Our palatial plotting hasn’t stopped us from getting a wizard’s weight in wands done this week. Lots of free resources for your review along with a laundry list of updates to our Gravity Perks suite. Pay especial attention to the new Date Time Calculator Beta 4.0!

Alright, wizards. Until next week. ⚡️


Optimize and Offload Uploaded Files with Gravity Forms
A few simple tips on how to optimize and/or offload uploaded files with Gravity Forms and the ever-uploadable File Upload field.

Disable Autocomplete for Gravity Forms
We’ve simplified this snippet and modified it to more aggressively attempt to disable autocomplete.

Check for Gravity Forms Early
How to do an early check if a form will be loaded and do something if it will.

Save Easy Passthrough Token to a Field
Map Easy Passthrough tokens in other feeds. Imagine sending an Easy Passthrough token to Zapier so you could send the user back to a form with their data loaded at a later date.

Responsive Styles for Inline Datepicker
We’ve got a tasty article coming soon about using an inline datepicker with Gravity Forms (via GF Limit Dates) and this little CSS snippet will be a part of it.

Gravity Perks

Easy Passthrough (v1.4.13)

  • Fixed issue where session was not correctly set when loading last entry submitted by user.
  • Fixed notice generated when mapping non-field based entry values.

Date Time Calculator (v1.0-beta-4)

  • Improved how GP Date Time Calculator handles mismatching calculations between what is submitted and what’s submitted after calculation. The new behavior is to is allow submissions instead of throwing a validation error. After the entry is submitted, a warning note will be added to the entry and an e-mail containing the warning message will also be sent to the site’s admin e-mail.
  • Added the following filters: gpdtc_warning_max_delta, gpdtc_send_delta_warning_admin_email, gpdtc_delta_warning_email_recipient, and gpdtc_add_delta_warning_entry_note.
  • Fixed issue where dependent Time fields wouldn’t always trigger a calculation. This also fixes a compatibility issue with GP Nested Forms and Time fields in calculations.
  • Deprecated the following filters: gpdtc_validation_max_delta, gpdtc_email_admin_on_rejected_calc, gpdtc_rejected_calc_email_to.

eCommerce Fields (v1.0.35)

  • Fixed notices generated when no quantity was specified for a Calculated Product field.

Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-8.29)

  • Added support for using admin label in child entry export fields and headers.
  • Fixed notice generated when session cookie’s “nested_entries” property was not set.
  • Fixed conflict with Elementor where Nested Form fields did not initialize properly.

Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-4.17)

  • Improved performance by caching result of merge tag values.
  • Improved performance by removing extraneous merge tag value replacement function call.
  • Added new [gppa_get_input_values]() WordPress filter to allow filtering the value of dynamically populated inputs and fields.
  • Fixed case where fallback modifier in Live Merge Tags would not take effect.
  • Fixed an issue where Live Merge Tags in the submit button wouldn’t always populate.

Preview Submission (v1.3.1)

  • Updated minimum version of Gravity Forms to 2.4.
  • Fixed notice generated by use of deprecated GFFormsModel::get_incomplete_submission_values() method.
  • Fixed conflict with Nested Forms where {Parent} merge tag was replaced incorrectly.

Read Only (v1.4)

  • Updated minimum version of Gravity Forms to 2.4.
  • Fixed notice generated by use of deprecated GFFormsModel::get_incomplete_submission_values() method.

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  • Trouble installing this snippet? See our troubleshooting tips.
  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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