Gravity Wiz Weekly #86

New hire, bug fixes, sneaky feature.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards. 🙂

We’ve hired another support wizard to assist you on your Gravity Perks journey. We can’t wait to introduce her to you! She starts February 24th. Stay tuned. 🎶

Last week we cleared right through a whole crop of bugs. We also snuck a pretty sweet feature into GF Media Library. It will now handle saving images to a WooCommerce product’s gallery when a WC product is created by Gravity Forms. See the full list of updates below.

I’ll be traveling this week and one of our wizards is out on paternity leave 🐣so no update next week… but we’ll talk soon. 🤗


Populate Anything | Multi-file Upload Images as Separate Choices
Populate a preview of each image uploaded into a Multi-file Upload field as a separate choice in a Radio or Checkbox field.

How to Do Calculations with Gravity Forms
You thought calculations were limited to Gravity Forms’ calculation fields? They are only the beginning, my young padawan.

Gravity Perks

Date Time Calculator (v1.0-beta-4.2)

  • Fixed issue where calculations were not evaluated correctly on the frontend when form ID was stored as a string (instead of an integer).

eCommerce Fields (v1.0.37)

  • Fixed invalid value when using the {discounts} merge tag in a Calculated Product field.

Media Library (v1.2.9)

  • Added support for populating WooCommerce product gallery when creating a product via Gravity Forms.
  • Added gpml_auto_convert_custom_fields filter to allow auto-converting any custom field.

Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-8.33)

  • Updated responsive styles to apply for all touch-based devices.
  • Updated responsive styles to apply to portrait mode on most tablets.
  • Removed unused GP Nested Forms Template setting in GravityView widget options.
  • Fixed issue where child entries added via a Gravity Flow User Input step did not save correctly to the parent entry.
  • Fixed issue where :value modifier was ignored when filtering a single item in a Nested Form field (e.g. {Parent:1:filter[2],value}).

Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-4.25)

  • Fixed issue where dynamic population was not working after the nested form markup had been refreshed.

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  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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