Gravity Wiz Weekly #87

Natalie the New, New Perk Inc, Perks are Perkin’

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards. 🙂

Natalie the New

Natalie, our newest support wizard, started on Monday. She’ll be helping us provide magical support, write new content, and, what I’m most excited about, produce new videos! Say hi to Natalie if you see her around. 🤗

New Perk Incoming

We have a new perk in the works! We haven’t settled on a name but the working title is GF Advanced File Uploader. Give your File Upload fields a delicious makeover and improve the user experience. Uploading images? See a preview of the uploaded file. Need to crop the image to a specific size or aspect ratio? We got you. Already have tons of File Upload fields? You can enable these benefits on existing fields. Stay tuned!

Regularly Scheduled Updates

We have an awesome new free resource below (use shortcodes as merge tags!) and we’ve made a host of updates to our Gravity Perks suite with an emphasis on Populate Anything, the perk that keeps on perkin’. Full details below.

Alright, wizards. Until next week. ⚡️


Shortcodes as Merge Tags
We had an interesting use-case come up in support the other day. A customer wanted to use the [gravityforms action="remaining"] shortcode (powered by our Better Inventory snippet) in combination with the Gravity Forms Conditional Shortcode to show a message and create some urgency when the inventory fell below a certain threshold.

This snippet allowed the customer to write the remaining shortcode as a merge tag so it could be included as a parameter in the conditional shortcode. This works with any shortcode!

Gravity Perks

Conditional Logic Dates (v1.0.15)

  • Fixed issue where month wildcards were not working as expected.

Conditional Pricing (v1.2.40)

  • Fixed issue where pricing rules based on Single Product Quantity were removed when editing pricing rules.

Easy Passthrough (v1.4.16)

  • Fixed issue where strict comparison of form IDs sometimes failed as form ID can be string or integer.
  • Fixed issue where reference variable inherited unintended changes from subsequent fields.

eCommerce Fields (v1.0.38)

Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-8.37)

  • Fixed issue where datepickers were not properly initialized in child forms when editing an entry on the frontend via Gravity Flow.
  • Fixed issue where trashed child entries still appeared in the Nested Form field.
  • Fixed regression in 1.0-beta-8.35 which caused Nested Form fields on forms without a Datepicker to fail to initialize.
  • Fixed issue introduced in GravityView 2.6 which prevented child entries from loading when editing an entry.

Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-4.33)

  • Added support for populating dynamic choices in PDFs generated for notifications via Gravity PDF.
  • Added support for using Checkbox fields as a Form Field Value filter when populating entries (#32).
  • Fixed issue where custom inputs generated an error when keyup/change event was triggered.
  • Fixed JS error introduced in 1.0-beta-4.25 where GPPA attempts to clear event handlers for child forms that had not been previously initialized.
  • Fixed issued where zero-values were not populated.
  • Fixed issue where AJAX-enabled forms lost their event bindings once the form had been submitted (and reloaded).
  • Fixed notice generated by invalid minimum requirement definition.
  • Fixed issue where Populate Anything exposed Choices setting for Post Category fields.
  • Fixed issue where populating value of specific-input in multi-input field (e.g. Checkbox) failed.

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  • Trouble installing this snippet? See our troubleshooting tips.
  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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