Documentation Category: Hook


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesChange template for GravityView Entry List view.Description Filter the arguments that will be used to render the Nested Form field template. Usage Apply to all …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesChange Modal Title and Submit ButtonUnstick the Modal FooterSinceDescription Filter the arguments that will be used to initialized the nested forms frontend script. Usage Apply …


DescriptionUsageParametersExampleSet custom labels.SinceDescription Filter the label used to identify entries in a Nested Form field. Usage Apply to all forms and fields. Apply to all …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription When the same limit feed is applied to multiple forms via the gpls_rule_groups filter, specify whether the limit apply per form or collectively across …


DescriptionUsageParametersExampleSet the Number of Results to Return When Fetching Users to Display in the User Rule.SinceDescription Filter the arguments that will be passed to get_users() …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Apply role-specific limits per user or collectively for all users with this role. Usage Parameters is_per_user bool Deafults to true. Since This filter is …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesInclude posts of a custom post type in the Embed URL › Post/Page rule.Description Filter the arguments passed to get_posts() when pulling posts to display …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Match the base URL rather than the exact URL. By default, and are unique URLs. Setting this filter to true will match …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesApply Limit Collectively to Group of FormsDisable Limit Feeds when Editing via Gravity ViewDisable Limit Rule for Specific User RoleSinceDescription Filter the rule groups that …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Indicate whether a feed should be processed by context (parent or child submission). Usage Apply to all feeds. Apply to all feeds for a …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesSet orphan expiration durationDescription Modify how long entries submitted from a nested form should be saved before being moved to the trash. Usage Parameters seconds …


DescriptionUsageParametersExampleHide Price in Nested Form Field Display Value for Drop Down Product FieldsDisplay a preview of an uploaded imageSinceDescription Filter the value to be displayed …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesSet default page to second pageSinceDescription Filter the default form page that should be rendered. Usage Apply to all forms. Apply to specific form. Parameters …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Specify how individual images should be joined for multi-file merge tags Usage Apply to all forms and fields. Apply to all fields of a …


DescriptionUsageParametersExampleModify the Message That Is Displayed When the Stock Left Isn’t Enough.SinceDescription Filter validation message when the item has stock available but not as many …