
  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Example
    1. Set Redirect URL by Entry Value
  5. Since


Filter the URL to which users will be redirected on a successful activation.


add_filter( 'gpbua_activation_redirect_url', 'my_custom_function' );


  • redirect_url string

    The URL to which the user will be redirected on a successful activation.


Set Redirect URL by Entry Value

Change the redirect URL by specifying an entry value found within one of your forms. The entry value should be the page ID to redirect the user to.

add_filter( 'gpbua_activation_redirect_url', function( $url, $activation ) {

	 * @var $activation GPBUA_Activate
	$entry = $activation->get_signup()->lead;

	// Update "123" to your target form ID.
	if ( $entry['form_id'] == 123 ) {
		// Update "1" to the field ID containing the page ID to which you would like to redirect.
		$url = get_permalink( $entry[1] );

	return $url;
}, 10, 2 );


This filter is available since GF Better User Activation 1.1.5.