Gravity Forms Randomizer
Randomize Gravity Forms Fields and Choices and create a truly unbiased order on your next quiz, survey, or questionnaire.
Gravity Forms File Upload Pro
A professional file and image uploader that feels like magic.
Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator
Use Date and Time fields in your Gravity Forms calculations. Perform advanced date and time calculation with ease.
Gravity Forms Easy Passthrough
Transfer data between Gravity Forms forms with ease. This time-saving, secure plugin is a must-have for anyone working with multiple forms.
Gravity Forms Populate Anything
Dynamically filter and populate field choices and values with posts, users, taxonomies, terms, Gravity Forms entries, and databases. Pretty much anything!
Gravity Forms Nested Forms
A Gravity Forms Repeater Addon for simple or more complex forms. Create forms within forms for better management of complex data collection. Formception!
Gravity Forms Limit Submissions
Limit the number of entries that can be submitted by almost anything (user, role, IP, URL, field value) for almost any time period.
Gravity Forms Better User Activation
Take complete control of your Gravity Forms User Registration activation page.
Gravity Forms eCommerce Fields
Make Gravity Forms more eCommerce-friendly with support for Tax, Discounts, and Subtotal fields plus a bunch of other helpful eCommerce features.
Gravity Forms Media Library
Upload your files from Gravity Forms to the WordPress Media Library and Advanced Custom Fields.
Gravity Forms Post Content Merge Tags
Use Gravity Forms merge tags directly in your WordPress post content. Now you can use a single confirmation page for multiple forms, better style and layout your confirmation pages, and generate persistent confirmation pages.
Gravity Forms Live Preview
Preview your Gravity Forms on the frontend of your site.
Gravity Forms Conditional Logic Dates
Use Date and Time fields in your Gravity Forms conditional logic to make anything conditional based on dates and time.
Gravity Forms Pay Per Word
Create product fields which calculate a total based on the number of words in a Paragraph or Post Body field.
Gravity Forms Placeholder
Add HTML5 placeholders to your Gravity Form fields.