Gravity Wiz Weekly #105

Greetings, wizards.
2020: Year in Review
Sure, it’s a month into 2021. Sure, most people do these at the end of the year that they’re reviewing. But hey! We’re wizards. We do things precisely when we mean to.
Want a refresher on why Gravity Wiz is the #1 Gravity Forms resource provider in all the land? Read our 2020 year-in-review!
New Year, New Free Resources
Check out all of the new free snippets and plugins in our Resources section (below). Now, go forth, form-weilders, and use them in all of your new projects! We’ll be here if you need help.
Alright, wizards. Until next week.
Single File Theme for File Upload Pro
We’ve developed a drop-in theme for better styling your File-Upload-Pro-enabled file upload fields for single files. Instructions inline and include a helpful video.
Redirect After Submission Limit Reached
Limit Submissions allows you to take complete control over how often your forms can be submitted. By default, when a form has reached its submission limit, a message is displayed. Use this snippet to redirect to another page instead.
Delete Passthrough Entry After Submission
Concerned with privacy or just don’t want to keep extra data lying around? This snippet will automatically delete the passthrough entry after the target form has been submitted.
Populate Current Quarter (Year)
This simple snippet will let you populate the current quarter (of the year) into a field. Useful in calculations and setting limits that are quarter-specific.
Map Nested Form Entries to ACF Repeater Field
We had a customer who wanted to make their Nested Forms child entries to an ACF Repeater field when the parent was submitted. Here’s the snippet we wrote to help bridge that gap.
Use any merge tag in your notification’s “Send to Email” setting
By default, Gravity Forms Notifications only support Email fields and pre-population merge tags. In some cases, you may have email values in non-Email fields (i.e. populating a Drop Down field with users where their email as the value). This plugin will process any merge tag in your notification’s “Send to Email” setting.
Gravity Perks
GP Copy Cat (v1.4.35)
- Added support for Gravity Forms 2.5.
- Added
filters to handle corner cases. - Fixed a typo in GPEP tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where conditional logic may not trigger on target radio fields.
GP Date Time Calculator (v1.0-beta-4.5)
- Updated the priority of formula modifications so Date/Time merge tags are replaced first.
- Fixed issue where init script was not output when applied to a child … (#6)
GP Easy Passthrough (v1.4.33)
- Added GF Chained Selects Support.
GP File Upload Pro (v1.0-beta-1.6)
- Added helper classes to assist in styling when max is reached or an u… (#5)
- Improved compatibility with GP Nested Forms.
- Fixed issue where multiple forms using File Upload Pro on the same page would result in only the first form having enhanced upload fields.
- Fixed issue where File Upload Pro would be initialized multiple times particularly when using Popup Maker.
- Fixed issue with scrolling potentially not being possible after adding files. Additionally, fixed an issue with the core Gravity Forms file list not being removed under the GPFUP area.
- Fixed potential JavaScript warnings/errors on initial load.
- Fixed issue where File Upload Pro would try to initialize the frontend prior to Plupload being ready.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Nested Forms where the file list would not be reset when editing entries or adding new entries.
GP Limit Submissions (v1.0-beta-2.2)
- Added support for using merge tags in the Submission Limit feed setting.
GP Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-9.6)
- Added additional formId, fieldId, and gpnf params to gpnf_fetch_form_html_on_load JS filter.
- Removed session child entries upon utilizing GF Save and Continue feature.
- Fixed issue where new method for retrieving Nested Form field value dynamically incorrectly returned all child entries for a parent entry rather than only the child entries for the current Nested Form field.
- Fixed issue where Conditional Logic would cause the Add Entry button to become re-enabled if it was disabled.
- Fixed issue where filtering Nested Form field merge tag to single value failed unexpectedly.
- Fixed PHP notice on frontend if no fields are selected in the Summary Fields setting.
- Fixed regression where interactive elements of child forms such as Enhanced UI for Select fields or Live Merge Tags from Populate Anything would not work correctly.
- Fixed issue where Nested Forms calculations would not work properly in some cases on multi-page forms.
- Fixed an issue where Chained Selects fields may not export properly.
- Fixed an integration issue with Gravity Forms Date Dropper Field plugin.
GP Page Transitions (v1.0-beta-1.17)
- Fixed an issue where GPPT may show a black background on some forms.
GP Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-4.143)
- Added a custom DOM event to force reloading field values.
- Added an internal GPPA property to access hydrated values.
- Added support for accessing keys from array-based properties in custom Choice/Value templates. Example: {post:meta_example:key}
- Added support for accessing any depth of keys in array-based properties in custom Choice/Value templates. Example: {post:meta_example:0:key}
- Added the option to order populated results randomly.
- Added ability for reconnecting exported forms based on form titles if using the Gravity Forms Entries object type. Note: all pertinent forms need to be included in the same export.
- Improved performance of Gravity Forms Entries object type when using the same filters and ordering across fields.
- Improved AJAX handling of queued requests by aborting any previous requests.
- Improved consistency between is/is not and is in/is not in operators when filtering by taxonomy terms.
- Fixed an issue where GPPA did not update the basePrice of a dynamically populated product field.
- Fixed notices generated by checking for field properties when $source_field is not a GF_Field object. (#109)
- Fixed issue where first choices in a choice-based field with a value of 0 would not work correctly with Live Merge Tags.
- Fixed issue where input-specific merge tags did not pass correct field ID to
filter. - Fixed issue where choices selected as the default would not work correctly with Live Merge Tags.
- Fixed inconsistencies with Live Merge Tags during AJAX hydration.
- Fixed an issue where string filters may be parsed as scientific numbers.
- Fixed an issue where decimal comma fields may not populate correctly in LMT calculations.
GP Post Content Merge Tags (v1.2.3)
- Improved Merge Tag selector compatibility with more Gutenberg blocks such as the Button block and third-party blocks.
- Updated Pretty ID to be properly registered entry meta and to make it available to feeds during submission.
GP Read Only (v1.8)
- Fixed issue where double-quotes in labels/values would not be properly escaped on the frontend.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with GPPA Field Value Objects.