Gravity Wiz Weekly #195
Better Geo IP for Advanced Phone Field! Plus, dynamic number ranges, set discounts by field values, and changelog highlights.

Greetings, wizards!
Here’s a fun fact.
Gravity Perks powers over 142,000 WordPress websites.
I am truly humbled that this little team of wizards is depended on by so many builders, developers, assemblers, and business owners. We are hungry to give you even more reasons to install Gravity Perks on your next websites too.
You might even find a reason or two in this very newsletter. 😉
Let’s find out!
Advanced Phone Field + Geo IP
Did you know Advanced Phone Field can detect the user’s country by IP and preselect their dial code? Super handy!
This feature is powered by which provides up to 50,000 free lookups per month. 50k is a lot, but, if your site is getting that cool kid traffic, we’ve got two terrific updates for you this week.
First, all Geo IP lookups are now cached in local storage. This means each user’s IP location will only be looked up once per 24 hours, saving you tons of duplicate lookups.
If you’re still exceeding your lookup limit, Advanced Phone Field can now use your own API key – here’s how.
Oh, one more thing! The list of country calling codes will now be automatically translated to your site’s default language. No extra configuration required. 👌

Changelog Highlights
GP Google Sheets
Number crunchers rejoice! When populating numeric Google Sheets data via Populate Anything (and GP Google Sheets, of course), you can now use greater than (or equal to) and less than (or equal to) operators to filter which data should be populated.
GP Populate Anything
Headline: Dramatic improvements for conditional-logic-heavy forms with lots of dynamic fields save lives. Oh, and we added support for populating values for Gravity Flow’s Multi-User fields – a great way to preselect the current user or a preset group of users based on a selection in the form. Populate Anything is truly a Swiss Army plugin!
GP Page Transitions
Our most beautiful perk received a bouquet of bug fixes this week, including a lovely compatibility update with our newest perk, Advanced Select. If gorgeous page transitions and frictionless auto-progression don’t get your forms excited, what are they even living for?
Dig those updates? There’s more where that came from in the full changelog below. 😉
YouTube: GF + WooCommerce Workshop
If you missed our last workshop but still want to get a sneak peek at our upcoming product that bridges the flexibility of Gravity Forms with the eCommerce prowess of WooCommerce, we’ve recorded the whole session and posted it on YouTube!
GS Product Configurator is going to change the game for the customizability of WooCommerce products. If you want early access, reach out to us via support.
PS — want to be the first to get notified when we post workshop recordings?
New Resources
Updated Snippet | Dynamic Number Ranges
We updated this snippet with support for Number fields formatted as currency. I’m going to let this picture say the thousand words I want to about this epic resource. We also spared a few words about this resource in GWW 170, if you’re curious.

New Snippet | Set Discount by Field Value
A Pro customer wanted to have a single Discount field whose discount amount changed dynamically based on which option the user selected. We got a little carried away and wrote this beast of a snippet to make his discount dreams come true. ☁️

Advanced Phone Field | Require Australian Mobile Number
Did you know that all Australian mobile numbers start with the same three numbers? Neither did I until a customer from Down Under requested a snippet that would require the entered number to be a valid mobile number.
Advanced Phone Field handled the validity bit and this snippet handled ensuring it was an Australian mobile number. Full bars and good service! 📶
Gravity Perks
Gravity Perks (v2.3.2)
- Fixed an issue where certain security restrictions may block admin access to managing Perks.
GP Advanced Phone Field (v1.0.15)
- Added
, andipInfoAPIToken
as accepted parameters in the gpapf_init_args filter hook. - Added
-based caching to Geo IP lookups. - Improved internationalization of the dialing code list by using country names from Gravity Forms if the site/user language is not English.
GP Advanced Select (1.0-beta-1.1)
- Fixed issue where GP Easy Passthrough would not not auto populate Advanced Selected enabled Multi Select Fields correctly.
GP Easy Passthrough (v1.9.21)
- Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecation notices.
GP Google Sheets (1.0-beta-2.4)
- Added support for
, and<=
operators in the Google Sheet Object Type for Populate Anything. - Fixed PHP potential warning when refreshing tokens.
- Fixed an issue where an internationalized string placeholder could be visible instead of the actual message.
GP Nested Forms (v1.1.30)
- Fixed issue where responsive styles were not correctly applied for the Nested Entries Detail Simple template.
GP Page Transitions (v1.0.17)
- Fixed issue where Soft Validation wouldn’t add an error message to fields in certain scenarios.
- Fixed issue where Soft Validation could prevent progression on pages containing multi-file upload fields.
- Fixed an issue with GP Advanced Select and GP Page Transitions.
GP Populate Anything (v2.0.6)
- Added support for dynamically populating values for the Gravity Flow Multi-User field type.
- Improved the performance of refreshing fields in forms with complex conditional logic.
- Fixed issue where Paragraph Text fields with Rich Text Editor enabled would continuously lose focus when connected to another field via live merge tag.
- Fixed an issue where Custom fields in GravityView could cause GravityEdit Inline Edit’s choices to not populate correctly.