Gravity Wiz Weekly 214

A commitment to compatibility. New free plugins. Hot takes. Sleeper updates. And Product Configurator Beta 2.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards! 

I’ve officially been an adult longer than I’ve been a child (my wife may disagree with that statement).

But I still remember some of the first things I did that really made me feel grown up.

Buying my own groceries, moving into my own place, creating my first fully customizable WooCommerce product powered by Gravity Forms…

Yup. I’m using my birthday intro to pitch you on Product Configurator. 😂

We just released a new version, ya know? 😉

New Release: Gravity Shop Product Configurator Beta 2

Product Configurator Beta 2 is now available and with it, one of our top requested features: Cart Item Editing!

In case you don’t remember, Product Configurator lets you create fully customizable, Gravity-Forms-powered WooCommerce products. 

So what do your shoppers do after they’ve configured the perfect suit, computer, or wand just the way they want only to realize that they made one little mistake?

Well, with Beta 2, they’d just click on the item in their cart to reload the product back into the product form, make their tweaks, and then finish checking out like that. 🫰

gravity shop product configurator cart editing

We like to think that if we make your customers happy, we make our customers happy. 😄

Want to learn more about this exciting release?

A Commitment to Compatibility

If there was ever a week that undeniably demonstrated our commitment to ensuring our products work well with each other and the rest of the Gravity Forms ecosystem, this week is it.

Here’s a quick list of perks/plugins that received compatibility updates this week. I think you’ll be impressed! And let’s be honest, we live to impress you wizards!

  1. Address Autocomplete + Reload Form
  2. File Upload Pro + Media Library
  3. Copy Cat + Gravity Forms Chained Selects
  4. Google Sheets + Populate Anything
  5. Inventory + Gravity Forms Stripe Add-on
  6. Populate Anything + Product Configurator

If I’ve piqued your curiosity you can peruse the full change log for all the hot goss.

Hot Take: Survey Add-On 4.0

Gravity Forms dropped Survey Add-On 4.0 last week and it is a total sleeper of a release.

All Survey field types now support conditional logic!

The community has been hungry for this feature for a long time and the Gravity Forms team did not disappoint with an exceptionally well-crafted implementation.

Watch my 4 minute hot take on this new feature above, including some inspiration for how you can put Survey field conditional logic to work on your forms.

Want to learn more?

New Resources

New Free Plugin: Field Notes

Um, what does this field do again?

We wrote this simple plugin for a Gravity Perks customer who needed an in-editor digital sticky note to help them remember why a given field was required (noting both its historical context and other fields that depend on it) and, most importantly, to make that information accessible to other form editors on their site.

free gravity forms plugin: field notes

If you’re looking for another take on the same problem, our friends at Gravity Hopper have their own field notes module too.

Update Posts with Gravity Forms

Our world famous solution for updating posts created by Gravity Forms (with a GF form) keeps getting better and better.

This week we added support for updating subfields of ACF Repeater and Group fields. 🎉

Limit Datepicker to Current Month

Dynamically limit any Limit-Dates-enabled Datepicker to only show (and allow the selection of) dates for the current month. A great example of how easily our perks can be extended to suit your needs. 😊

Product Updates

Gravity Perks (v2.3.6)

  • Fixed issue where the plugin updater API response for perks included extra properties, such as the changelog, which could prevent plugin updates from showing up in some situations.

GS Product Configurator (1.0-beta-2.1)

  • Added support for updating the gspc_wc_quantity meta on entries when quantities of order items is changed after an order is placed.
  • Added functionality for editing cart items.
  • Added internal APIs to make it possible to attach forms to products by product categories and product tags.
  • Improved compatibility with Advanced Conditional Logic for Gravity Forms.
  • Improved compatibility with GP Inventory when using the “Entry per line item” mode.
  • Improved handling of the Product Image mapping when conditional logic is involved.
  • Updated “Entry Quantity Mode” to default to “Entry per line item” and deprecate “Entry per Quantity.” See release post for more details on the why.
  • Fixed issue where the product image would not be reactive if using a dynamically populated field that depends on another field’s value.
  • Fixed issue where order items add-ons could be duplicated numerous times if using WooCommerce Blocks.
  • Fixed errors that could occur on product pages with forms after a submission is processed and then rejected for reasons outside of validation.
  • Fixed issue where Option field choice values were not swapped to the label when populated with Populate Anything.
  • Fixed issue where the GS Product Configurator notice could show at the top of the entry details for forms with GSPC feeds on entries submitted outside of WooCommerce.
  • Fixed issue where adding a Total field into a form used in a WooCommerce Product could result in a validation error.
  • Fixed issue where you could not update GS Product Configurator from the Plugins page in the admin. It was still possible to update it from Dashboard » Updates.

GP Address Autocomplete (v1.2.18)

  • Fixed issue where Address Autocomplete would sometimes not initialize on subsequent form loads if using GP Reload Form.

GP Copy Cat (v1.4.74)

GP File Upload Pro (v1.3.14)

  • Improved compatibility with rehydrating images previously uploaded using GP Media Library.

GP Google Sheets (v1.1.7)

  • Fixed a PHP error that would occur if using a field with an array-based value as a filter with the Populate Anything Google Sheet Object Type.
  • Fixed errors that could occur due to either malformed token arrays or missing plugin settings for legacy tokens.
  • Fixed error that could occur with the Populate Anything Object Type if there are no available Google Accounts.

GP Inventory (1.0-beta-3.30)

  • Added $inventory_type as a parameter to the gpi_requested_quantity filter hook.
  • Improved reliability of the object caching used with choice-based inventory.
  • Fixed issue where a submission that exhausts available inventory could create an incomplete submission if using GF Stripe v5 or newer.

GP Nested Forms (v1.1.47)

  • Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecation notice.

GP Notification Scheduler (v1.3.7)

GP Populate Anything (v2.0.29)

  • Improved how unique choices/values are cached during runtime to prevent cache collisions.
  • Fixed issue where Populate Anything did not populate field choices when editing Notifications or Confirmations.
  • Fixed issue where checkbox inputs that have dynamically populated choices would show values instead of labels in contexts such as Entry Details and when used with GS Product Configurator.

GP Reload Form (v2.1.7)

  • Fixed PHP warning that could occur when using the Gravity Forms block.

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  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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