Gravity Wiz Weekly #57

What’s this? A weekly update an actual week after our last? Behold our mastery of time!
What has the team been up to this week?
David is working on the documentation for Gravity Forms Populate Anything and implemented a variety of bug fixes and improvements for our Gravity Perks suite. Full details below.
Clay has been hammering away on bug fixes and improvements for GF Populate Anything. First public beta is imminent. So. Much. EXCITE!
Jordan is working on a video overview of our popular Gravity Forms eCommerce Fields perk. This video will serve as a template as we create overviews for each of our other perks as well.
Gravity Perks
Gravity Forms Conditional Logic Dates (v1.0.6)
- Updated frontend JS to handle the date selection requirement for conditional logic evaluation to match how it is handled by PHP.
- Added JS and PHP hook “gpcld_require_date_selection” to disable date selection requirement for conditional logic evaluation.
Gravity Forms eCommerce Fields (v1.0.21)
- Added support for using choice values in order summary: {order_summary:value}.
Gravity Forms Media Library (v1.0.14)
- Updated minimum GF version to actual required version: 2.0.8
- Fixed notice that was generated on non-standard WP pages.
Gravity Forms Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-6.10)
- Fixed issue where field ID was not respected when fetching submitted nested entries.