Gravity Forms Media Library

Upload your files from Gravity Forms to the WordPress Media Library and Advanced Custom Fields.

What does it do?

This plugin enhances Gravity Forms with the ability to automatically import uploaded files (images, documents, etc.) to the WordPress Media Library when the form is submitted.


  • Automatically upload files to Media Library.
    A simple, one-click option on your Gravity Forms File Upload fields and any file uploaded from that field will be imported into the WordPress Media Library.
  • Single and multi-file uploads supported.
    Need to upload multiple files at one time? No problem!
  • Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) support.
    Automatically integrates with any ACF-powered Image or File custom field.
  • Display image thumbnails.
    Use auto-generated image merge tags to pull the exact size of the image you’d like to display.
  • Integrates with GravityView.
    Faster loading times with automatically resized images. Views display a medium-sized thumbnail instead of the huge original image.
  • Seamless, easy-to-use UI.
    Integrates directly with Gravity Forms field settings. Activate this feature with a single click.
  • Automatic updates.
    Get updates and latest features right in your dashboard.
  • Legendary support.
    We’re here to help! And we mean it.

How do I enable this functionality?

After installing and activating Gravity Forms Media Library, media library uploads become available in File Upload fields within any form. Let’s step through how to turn them on.

Add a File Upload field to your form.
Select the Perks tab, then check Upload to Media Library.

That’s it! Now all files and images will be uploaded to your Media Library from your form when it is submitted.

Feature Details

Upload To Media Library

When enabled on a File Upload field, GP Media Library will automatically upload files and images to your WordPress Media Library. This makes them easy to find and use in other places on your site.

The files and images are uploaded in the same way as if you had uploaded them to the Media Library yourself. This means everything that would normally happen when a file is uploaded to the Media Library will also happen to a file uploaded via a Gravity Form with GP Media Library enabled.

This includes WordPress automatically creating scaled duplicates of images, and any third-party processing, such as EWWW Image Optimizer or WP Offload Media Lite.

Usage Examples

Image Merge Tags

GF Media Library also supports outputting the uploaded images in Notification Emails and Confirmation Messages. This is done via merge tags.

It supports everything supported by Gravity Forms for Post Image merge tags. View Gravity Forms merge tag documentation.

You will find the available merge tags in the GP Media Library section of the Gravity Forms merge tag selector. By default, the four standard WordPress sizes will be displayed (thumbnail, medium, large, full) and up to four custom sizes per field.

You can also modify which image merge tags are available with the gpml_merge_tag_image_sizes hook

Lastly, while merge tags will still display for all File Upload fields, this will only work correctly for images that are uploaded to the field.

ACF Support

Need to integrate this with Advanced Custom Fields? No problem, we have you covered! Check out our article on How to Add Advanced Custom Fields Support for GP Media Library

Usage Examples

Developer Usage

Here are some examples of how to retrieve the files and images that are added to the WordPress Media Library by GF Media Library.

One case where this would be useful would be to retrieve the file ID of the image in order to output different sizes of the image that are created by WordPress.

Get File ID’s in a WordPress Template

$file_ids = gp_media_library()->get_file_ids( $entry_id, $field_id, $file_index );

Get file ID for a Single File Upload field

$file_id = gp_media_library()->get_file_ids( 1234, 1 );

Get file ID’s for a Multi-file Upload field

$file_ids = gp_media_library()->get_file_ids( 1234, 2 );

Get file ID of the 2nd file in a Multi-file Upload field

$file_id = gp_media_library()->get_file_ids( 1234, 2, 1 );


Gravity Forms File Renamer

File Renamer allows you to rename files uploaded to Gravity Forms automatically through flexible naming templates. Templates can be configured with static or dynamic values (via merge tags), allowing you to create predictable, actionable file pathways on upload. When used with Media Library, files can be renamed before being uploaded to the library so all files in your media library will match your naming template.


How can I set a maximum width/height or quality for uploaded images?

Use EWWW Image Optimizer to automatically optimize and resize images uploaded through GP Media Library. To set a maximum width or height, click the Resize tab in EWWW Image Optimizer’s settings and set the max width and height. No additional settings are needed for optimization.

Set Max Width and Height

Will this work if I store my images with a cloud storage provider?

Yep! If you want to offload your images onto a cloud storage provider, we recommend WP Offload Media Lite. No additional setup is needed.

How can I prevent WordPress from scaling down large images?

WordPress automatically scales very large images (>2560px) when they are imported into the Media Library. This can be disabled using this hook:

add_filter( 'big_image_size_threshold', '__return_false' );

Unless you have a specific need for allowing very large file uploads, we do not recommend removing the big image size threshold.

How can I automatically enable this for all fields?

You can use the snippet below to enable the Media Library setting on all File Upload Fields on the website, to ensure that all uploaded files are always saved in the Media Folder. The snippet will apply the setting when the form is edited.

If you later choose to deactivate this snippet, you’ll need to manually disable the Upload to Media Library setting on each field.

add_filter( 'gform_form_post_get_meta', function($form){
    foreach( $form['fields'] as &$field )  {
        if ( $field->type == 'fileupload' || $field->type == 'slim' ) {
            $field->uploadMediaLibrary = true;
    return $form;


Gravity Forms has hundreds of hooks. Check out our Gravity Forms Hook Reference for the most thorough guide to Gravity Forms’ many actions and filters.

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