Gravity Wiz Weekly #59

gravity wiz weekly

Hello, wizards!

Gravity Forms 2.4 is out and Gravity Perks is ready for it. We fixed a few compatibility issues last week so make sure to update your perks to the latest versions. See below for a full list of updates we made. It was a busy week!

Speaking of compatibility, ForGravity just added support for Nested Forms in their Entry Automation plugin. More on that here.

Until next week. ❤️

Gravity Perks

Gravity Forms eCommerce Fields (v1.0.23)

  • Added PHP and JS filter “gpecf_discount_total” to allow filtering the calculated discount for a Discount field.

Gravity Forms Limit Dates (v1.0.13)

  • Fixed issue with 2.4 and new $field->fields property.

Gravity Forms Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-6.11)

  • Fixed JS error when attempting to repopulate entries between AJAX-enabled page submissions.

Gravity Forms Post Content Merge Tags (v1.1.8)

  • Fixed issue where query that fetched entry ID by pretty ID was too generic and could return an incorrect entry ID.

Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing (v1.2.37)

  • Added support for using dynamically populated price as base price.
  • Updated French translation.

Gravity Forms Placeholder (v1.3.7)

  • Fixed issue where List field placeholders were not correctly replaced for indexes over 10.

Gravity Forms Read Only (v1.3.5)

  • Fixed issue with GF 2.3 where disabled entries were un-disabled when shown/hidden via conditional logic.

Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator (v1.0-beta-2.6) Early Access

  • Fixed issue with GF 2.4 where calculation object “patt” property no longer exists.

Gravity Forms Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-1.10) Early Access

  • Fixed issue with Field Value Objects not working when the target field was using an Object Type that used a Primary Property such as GF Entry or Database
  • Fixed apply_filter typo that should be apply_filters
  • Fixed PHP 5.3 compatibility issue with Posts object type
  • Improved field value and field value object AJAX functionality

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