Gravity Wiz Weekly #59

Hello, wizards!
Gravity Forms 2.4 is out and Gravity Perks is ready for it. We fixed a few compatibility issues last week so make sure to update your perks to the latest versions. See below for a full list of updates we made. It was a busy week!
Speaking of compatibility, ForGravity just added support for Nested Forms in their Entry Automation plugin. More on that here.
Until next week.
Gravity Perks
Gravity Forms eCommerce Fields (v1.0.23)
- Added PHP and JS filter “gpecf_discount_total” to allow filtering the calculated discount for a Discount field.
Gravity Forms Limit Dates (v1.0.13)
- Fixed issue with 2.4 and new $field->fields property.
Gravity Forms Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-6.11)
- Fixed JS error when attempting to repopulate entries between AJAX-enabled page submissions.
Gravity Forms Post Content Merge Tags (v1.1.8)
- Fixed issue where query that fetched entry ID by pretty ID was too generic and could return an incorrect entry ID.
Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing (v1.2.37)
- Added support for using dynamically populated price as base price.
- Updated French translation.
Gravity Forms Placeholder (v1.3.7)
- Fixed issue where List field placeholders were not correctly replaced for indexes over 10.
Gravity Forms Read Only (v1.3.5)
- Fixed issue with GF 2.3 where disabled entries were un-disabled when shown/hidden via conditional logic.
Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator (v1.0-beta-2.6) Early Access
- Fixed issue with GF 2.4 where calculation object “patt” property no longer exists.
Gravity Forms Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-1.10) Early Access
- Fixed issue with Field Value Objects not working when the target field was using an Object Type that used a Primary Property such as GF Entry or Database
- Fixed apply_filter typo that should be apply_filters
- Fixed PHP 5.3 compatibility issue with Posts object type
- Improved field value and field value object AJAX functionality