How to Send a Follow-Up and Pre-Fill Information
Stay in touch with your users and make it easier for them to complete follow-up forms by pre-filling the information you’ve already collected from them.

This article requires the GP Easy Passthrough perk.
Buy Gravity Perks to get this perk plus 47 other premium Gravity Forms plugins!
It’s a common occurrence to send follow-up emails after users submit forms on your site. For example, you might ask customers to sign up for a newsletter to receive more information on a product, or you want to send an email to every customer that has purchased tickets for an event. There’s multitudes of reasons to follow-up with customers on your site and an equal number of methods to send those emails.
Often the goal of these types of emails is to direct the user to another form. For example, you could send a follow-up survey to conference attendees. Using Easy Passthrough, the follow-up form’s fields can be pre-filled with attendee information, both saving time and ensuring accurate survey results. Let’s get started!
Getting Started
This article will use GF Email Users to send the follow-up emails and Easy Passthrough to pre-fill the form that is linked in the email. Make sure you have both Perks installed and activated, then follow the steps below to set everything up.
Step 1 – Create Conference Sign-Up Form
In order to send follow-up emails to conference attendees, we need to make sure that there’s an Email field on the initial conference sign-up form. Outside of that, the form can contain any fields that you would like. My conference is free, so I’m only asking for a Name and Email.

Step 2- Create Survey Form
Some time after the conference concludes, we’ll send a survey request email to the attendees. They’ll be sent a link to a form with survey questions. In order to save time and improve form accuracy, we’re going to pre-fill some of the fields on the form. Start by adding those fields. In my example, these will be Name and Email. Then, add the Survey fields and insert your questions into those fields.
If you want to prevent users from changing the pre-filled values in the survey form, check out GF Read Only.
Step 3 – Set up Easy Passthrough
With the form completed, it’s time to set up Easy Passthrough. This will handle pre-filling out our fields. Create an Easy Passthrough feed and select the conference sign-up form as the source. Then, map the fields you want to pre-fill.

Step 4 – Send Follow-Up Email
Using GF Email Users
With everything set up, the next step is to send the follow-up emails. Technically, the next step is to let users sign up for your conference and then wait until after the conference has concluded, but assume that we’re already there.
The easiest way to send the follow-up emails is Email Users. It supports HTML, so we can add a link directly to the email that directs the user to the page where our form is located.
Easy Passthrough knows what values to pre-fill into a form based on one of two things: a session cookie or the ep_token
URL parameter. Since the user will be directed to the page from a link in an email, we will use the ep_token
To do this, link to the page where the form is located and add the ep_token={Easy Passthrough Token}
query parameter to your link. When the email is sent with Email Users, the merge tag will automatically fill with the correct EP Token for the entry.

Here’s what that email looks like in my inbox. You can see the EP Token has been added to the URL when I hover over the link.
After clicking the link, the survey form is pre-filled with my name and email.
Using a CRM or Email Marketing Platform
If you prefer to send your follow-up emails with a system outside of WordPress, you can do that too. You just need to pass the Easy Passthrough Token to the CRM from the initial sign-up form. This is done easily in the feed settings for passing the entries to your preferred email platform. Here’s an example where I’m passing the Easy Passthrough Token to a field in MailChimp called “EP Token”.
I can then use a merge tag in MailChimp to create a link to my survey. When I send my campaign, the EP Token parameters will be attached to the links.

That’s It
With a little setup, you can send follow-up emails to your customers that contain links to other forms and Easy Passthrough will automatically pre-fill fields in those forms.
Hi there, Two questions: 1. Does this add-on apply to checkboxes/radio buttons/dropdowns? I.e. would info submitted through one of those fields be pulled through to another form? 2. Does it work on nested forms, where some of the data is pulled through from the main form and some from the nested form? Thanks!
Hi Janine,
Thanks for your questions!
1) Yes, GP Easy Passthrough works with choice-based fields including checkboxes and dropdowns. Please note: When mapping a dropdown field from Form A to Form B, please ensure that Form B’s dropdown contains matching choice values to Form A.
2) For nested forms, both Form A and Form B need to contain a Nested Form field that uses the same child form. Once configured correctly, you can map Form A’s nested form field to Form B’s nested form field, and any child entries submitted through Form A will automatically copy over to Form B.
Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
Hi. Can this email be automated. So as soon as a User fills out Form A, he received an email to fill out Form B?
Hi Rasmus,
I noticed that you sent in an email about this, so we replied there as well. Gravity Forms Notifications automatically send immediately when a form is submitted. If you want to delay when that notification sends, GP Notification Scheduler is your best bet.
Hi Scott,
Would it be possible that the follow-up email is to a different website?
So User fills out Form on Website-A, and then the follow-up email goes to Website-B with all the data?
Hi Frederik,
This is not currently supported. GP Easy Passthrough only populates data on the same site so passing the data to a different site won’t be possible.
Is it possible to dynamically populate fields on an external embedded Gravity form (in an iFrame)?
Thanks in advance!
Assuming the external form is from a different site, you could use this snippet with Populate Anything to populate values from an external database.