Gravity Wiz Weekly #115
Our customers are casting seriously sorcerous spells with GF File Upload Pro. Plus, powerful performance updates to GF Nested Forms.

Greetings, wizards!
It’s been a hot week in the States. Maybe this isn’t the best time to release a batch of blazing hot updates? Ahh, let’s do it anyway!
One of our top Perks packs a stronger Punch
The beloved File Upload Pro has been shown more love. GFFUP is known for providing users with a powerhouse of functionality in a smooth, modern interface. It includes robust automatic image optimization, image preview functionality, support for image zooming and (optionally required) cropping, easy drag and drop sorting, and all kinds of other upload-related witchcraft.
What’s new? With the newly added gpfup_before_upload JavaScript action, users can, for example, limit the duration of an MP4/MOV file to 10 seconds on upload. We’ve also added server-side re-hydration, improving compatibility with Save & Continue. Now, when a user restores their Save & Continue session, the image previews will be preserved.
Enchanting updates to GF Nested Forms
Some time ago, in a release (not so) far away – Nested Forms was born, providing our users with the ability to nest multiple Gravity Forms together, create advanced Gravity Forms Repeaters, and simplify how they collect complex data.
Side note: Did you know that Nested Forms can act as an advanced repeater for Gravity Forms? A repeater allows you to dynamically add additional fields to a WordPress Gravity Form.
Anyway, we’ve given this Perk more power – including a new UI for summary fields, giving you the ability to reorder fields within your Nested Forms on the fly. Check it out below, or give it a spin.
Spotlight: Loagick Records + GF File Upload Pro = Serious Sorcery
We love hearing about how users are making magic happen with Gravity Perks. Recently, we spoke with Loagick Records, a small business that empowers musicians with the ability to print their own music on physical media with the wave of a wand. Loagick boasts a truly wizardly set of printing options as well, including CD, vinyl, tape, and even 8-track.
Loagick ran into quite the quandary recently while setting up their online store. When receiving file submissions from their clients, image resolutions were sometimes less than ideal for print. Imagine getting a thumbnail image size and trying to print that on a debut LP.
By utilizing File Upload Pro and enabling a few filters, Loagick was able to create a solution that preserved the image’s high-resolution DPI (Dots-Per-Inch), maintaining image quality and fitting their printing template. Presto.
The result? Happier customers and less time spent on back-and-forth. We love to see it – and you can too. Check it out right here.
Have a story about how you’re using Perks to cast powerful spells? Let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear them!
Alright, wizards. Until next week.
How to Update Posts with Gravity Forms — Populate and update WordPress posts with Gravity Forms’ entries. This week we added support for allowing editors to delete custom fields and featured images by submitting an empty value for the mapped field.
Customizing the Multi-File Merge Tag — It’s a simple way to create custom templates for displaying Multi-File-Upload files however you desire. Are your users uploading videos? Display these video files as loaded and playable. Submitting PDF documents? Have these stylized to indicate this automatically. However you want to display your files, this resource can help.
We’ve recently added support for filtering returned files via an :index modifier. This allows you to target specific files differently. For example, let’s say you want to show the first upload in a series of images as a large headlining banner, then the rest as a grid. This modifier allows you to do just that.
Gravity Forms Word Count gives you the ability to limit the number of words a user can submit inside Single Line, Paragraph, and Body text fields – for both a minimum amount of words or maximum amount. This week, we wrote a snippet for limiting the number of line breaks allowed in any of these fields.
Gravity Perks
Gravity Perks (v2.2.7)
- Fixed positional issues introduced in GF v2.5.6.
- Added gperks_tooltips_initialized jQuery event to be used by Perks adding tooltips after initial load.
GP File Upload Pro (v1.1.1)
- Added server-side re-hydration which improves compatibility with Save & Continue.
- Added gpfup_before_upload JavaScript action.
- Fixed styling of notice below “Enable Multi-File Upload” setting in Form Editor when File Upload Pro is enabled for the selected field.Added server-side re-hydration which improves compatibility with Save & Continue
GP Live Preview (v1.6.2)
- Fixed positional issues introduced by GF v2.5.6.
GP Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-10)
- Improved user experience of how Summary Fields are managed. They’re now listed out vertically and sortable.
- Added i18n support for GPNF’s “Close” modal button.
- Added French translation. Thank you, Cyrille Sanson!
- Fixed typo in :sum modifier merge tag default value.
GP Populate Anything (v1.0.9)
- Fixed an issue where GPPA would not fetch results when ordering by ‘Taxonomy’ or ‘Parent Term’.
- Fixed an issue where filtering by a custom datatabase table date field may return empty results.
GP Post Content Merge Tags (v1.3.2)
- Fixed issue where merge tag selector was not available in Gutenberg if using Gravity Forms or newer.
- Fixed a UI issue where PCMT checkbox appeared on redirect confirmation settings.
GP Price Range (v1.2.1)
- Added gppr_price_range_min and gppr_price_range_max filters.
GP Read Only (v1.9.2)
- Fixed a compatibility issue with GF 2.5 and List fields where the add/remove buttons remained visible.