Gravity Wiz Weekly #144

New, sorcerous spellcraft within. Get early access to a new perk for Page Transitions, plus Limit Checkboxes receives a Libertarian tweak.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards!

For those of you enjoying some time off on Spring Break, don’t let this newsletter tempt you away from your well-earned relaxation. But for those of you still hard at work, please indulge yourself with some good old-fashioned Gravity Forms sorcery. πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

The Ease of Page Transitions

When you’ve been wizarding as long as Gravity Wiz has, you end up with a few old trinkets lying around the workshop that never had their moment in the sun.

This week, I wanted to shine a little light on Page Transitions. This early access perk was developed years ago and we’ve been diligently keeping it up-to-date hoping to return to it one day.

So, what does it do? Page Transitions provides two core features – beautiful transitions when navigating between your form pages and the ability to auto-progress through your forms when the last field on a page is completed. Here’s a little peek at its humble glory!

a new plugin for Gravity Forms page transitions

It’s available by request to any Gravity Perks license-holder. Give it a go and let us know if this is something you’d like us to release as an official perk!

More Freedom with Limit Checkboxes

Limit Checkboxes lets you limit how many checkboxes can be selected in your Gravity Forms Checkbox fields. This sorcerous perk can even let you require a minimum (or enforce a maximum) number of checkboxes that should be (or can be) checked across multiple fields!

This week Limit Checkboxes received a Libertarian tweak – individual limits now take precedence over group limits. This means that if you have a field with an individual limit of 2 that is part of a group of fields with a group limit of 4, only two checkboxes in that field could be selected.

limit checkboxes new features

Meet The Wizards: Scott Ryer

Welcome to part two of our Meet The Wizard series, where we introduce you to the pros behind your support tickets, custom snippets, and bug-squashing spells! 

Next up, I’m pleased to introduce you to Scott Ryer.

Scott is our lead support wizard (aka master mage), and recently celebrated his third wizaversary here at Gravity Wiz. Scott’s often working behind the scenes, orchestrating our team’s efforts and conjuring new ways to improve the customer experience.

Scott’s also behind much of our perk documentation and some of our best how-to content.

When he’s not wearing his wizarding robes, most often you’ll find him wearing vintage band t-shirts (which make up the majority of his wardrobe). Scott also loves to spend time outdoors, travel, and make killer mid-century modern furniture. 🀘

From John Whiting, about his experience with Scott:

“This has to be the best service I’ve ever had from a web company. My query re: staging sites was addressed within a couple of days which included whitelisting my web provider.” 


Gravity Forms Cache Buster – Caching reduces the load on your server and speeds up your site but at the cost of making your dynamic forms static. Blah! 

With Cache Buster, you can keep your caching in place while always loading your forms fresh! This week, we added support for using Cache Buster with our very popular Nested Forms plugin.

Auto Rule Groups for Conditional Logic Dates – Conditional Logic Dates allows you to create conditional logic rules based on dates and times. One long-standing limitation was creating time-based rules that spanned into the next day. 

For example, configuring an after-hours notification to send if the current time was greater than 5pm but less than 8am. This snippet (and Conditional Logic Dates v1.2.4+) will intelligently determine this intent and adjust the rules accordingly when they are validated.

conditional logic dates - auto rule groups

Gravity Forms Update Posts – We wrote this plugin as a stop-gap solution for updating posts with Gravity forms, and you all just keep finding little ways to make it better! This week, we added support for mapping all checked checkboxes to a single custom field – or – an ACF Checkbox field.

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Gravity Perks

GP Conditional Logic Dates (v1.2.4)

  • Added support for the gpcldBaseDate property to support our new Auto Rule Groups snippet.
  • Fixed issue where invalid operators appeared for Current Time conditional logic rules.

GP Entry Blocks (v1.0-alpha-1.5)

  • Fixed issue where ReCAPTCHA fields would intefere with the Filters block.
  • Fixed issue where conditional logic was incorrectly applied to fields in the Filters block.

GP Media Library (v1.2.25)

  • Added support for mapping Multi-file Upload fields as a featured image and mapping the same field to an ACF gallery field. The first image will be uploaded as the featured image. All other photos would be added to the gallery field.

GP Nested Forms (v1.0.12)

  • Fixed regression where a change in the form container element caused form change events not to fire.

GP Notification Scheduler (v1.1.4)

  • Fixed issue where form-specific rescheduling was only form-specific for the first batch.

GP Page Transitions (v1.0-beta-1.24)

  • Fixed issue where transition easing would not be set if transition style used default value.

GP Populate Anything (v1.2.10)

  • Removed Page fields from list of available fields when populating from the Entry object type.
  • Fixed issue where products used for filter values would not provide consistent results due to the price not being removed from the value while filtering.
  • Improved AJAX request handling on the frontend to abort previous requests if a new request is made.
  • Fixed issue where Live Merge Tags would be immediately decoupled and not update when editing a Nested Forms child entry that uses Live Merge Tags.

GP Randomizer (v1.0.3)

  • Fixed issue where forms with very large field IDs could exceed JavaScript’s max integer value resulting in choiceless fields.

Alright wizards, until next week! πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ


  1. Mayur Jobanputra
    Mayur Jobanputra January 17, 2023 at 2:09 pm

    Transitions is nice! Question: Can you do vertical transitions? Also, can you make it “feel” like typeform with a gradient opacity border top and bottom?


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