Gravity Wiz Weekly 205

Watch a recording from our most recent Wizarding Workshop! Plus, the best in weekly highlights, and new snippets for Advanced Phone Field, Copy Cat, and Advanced Save & Continue.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards! 

The most common pre-submitted question for yesterday’s workshop was “What is Gravity Wiz working on?” – so we decided to share our Q4 roadmap! Make sure to catch the replay (link below).

As for what we worked on this week, we’ve got you covered there too. Read on! 😊

Highlights of the Week

GP Entry Blocks

The easiest, most flexible way to display and edit Gravity Forms entries on the frontend. Fully customizable layouts powered by WordPress’ very own Block Editor.

Partial entries (powered by the GF Partial Entries add-on) are now excluded from the Entry Loop and Entries Table blocks. Additionally, partial entries will not be created when editing via Entry Blocks.

GP Copy Cat

Copy the values from one Gravity Forms field to another, with support for copying to and from multiple fields by click or as the user types.

Copy Cat will no longer copy into conditionally hidden fields. This aligns with Gravity Forms’ default handling of conditionally hidden fields. 🧘‍♀️

With that said, we’ve seen some cool scenarios where you may want a field hidden conditionally but still capture a copied value in that field on submission. We’ve got a snippet for that. 😉

GP Google Sheets

Automatically send and sync Gravity Forms data with Google Sheets — and unlock new possibilities for your data.

Lots of updates for GP Google Sheets since our big 1.0 release, particularly around the improved Google Sheets Object Type for Populate Anything (aka the mechanism that lets you filter and populate your spreadsheet data directly into your forms).

google sheets and populate anything configuration

Catch up on the full details in the changelog below.

Watch Now: Wizarding Workshop VIII

Workshop VIII is in the books! These things are always so wild to put together and this time we explored a new streaming platform just to add a little more chaos. 😈

Thank you to everyone who attended live yesterday, it really adds so much energy to the event. 🙌

If you weren’t able to make it, we’ve got the recorded session ready for you here:

What’d we cover?

See you at the next workshop, friends. 😊

New Resources

Advanced Phone Field | Validation Only

We’ve had a few customers who prefer the input mask approach of Gravity Forms default Phone field when the `(###) ###-####` phone format is selected. But they don’t like that users can still enter a correctly formatted make believe phone number. 

Use this snippet to preserve the default UX (input mask and all) but still apply Advanced Phone Fields’ real phone number validation on submission.

advanced phone field snippets

Copy Cat | Copy Label

By default, Copy Cat will copy the value when copying from a choice-based field (e.g. Drop Down, Radio Button, Checkbox). This snippet lets you copy the selected choice’s label instead.

This week, we added support for Checkbox fields. Why? Because you asked us to. 💜

Save & Continue | Copy Button for Resume URL

With Gravity Forms’ Save and Continue feature, users can manually copy the link for safe keeping but wouldn’t it be handy if they could click a button to automatically copy that URL instead?

We had a Pro customer who thought so and we agreed.

save and continue link to continue editing

PS – Make sure to check out Advanced Save & Continue for even more pizazz. 🍕

Product Updates

GP Copy Cat (v1.4.69)

  •  Fixed issue where Copy Cat would copy to conditionally hidden fields.

GP Entry Blocks (1.0-alpha-2.29)

  • Improved compatibility with GF Partial Entries by preventing partial entries from being created when editing entries in addition to excluding partial entries from the Entry Loop and Entries Table blocks.
  • Fixed issue with the Date Created and Date Updated Summary Columns returning unformatted UTC timestamps instead of formatted timestamps.

GP Google Sheets (v1.0.3)

  • Updated the max number of Google Sheets that the Populate Anything Spreadsheet dropdown could show to 500.
  • Fixed issue where columns could be inserted with too much column padding on the left if not giving an assignment to every column.
  • Fixed an issue with legacy tokens always being refreshed when used which could impact performance negatively.
  • Fixed issue where Google Sheet Object Type queries would sometimes be missing some or all row data.
  • Fixed issue where inserting test rows wouldn’t work if the column mapping contained a Multi File Upload Field.
  • Fixed issue where empty cached results in the Populate Anything Object Type were not used.
  • Fixed issue where comparisons of numbers in string-based columns did not work as expected with the Populate Anything Object Type.
  • Fixed issue with Google Sheets Object Type where duplicate header names in a Google Sheet would throw an exception.

GP Populate Anything (v2.0.18)

  • Fixed an issue with getting field values from input specific IDs.

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  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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