Gravity Wiz Weekly 231

Check out our new YouTube series on Datepickers! Plus, Randomizer 2.0 (and how we used it to build a quiz), and watch a Feed Forge demo from a WordPress legend.

Greetings, wizards!

In honor of our newest release, here are a few random facts you may not know about wizards.

  • Wizards’ pointy hats actually improve Wi-Fi signal strength.
  • Newer wands (and some staffs) are Bluetooth® enabled.
  • Wizards are never late, nor are they early, they arrive precisely when they mean to.

Oh, one more little random tidbit for you…

Randomizer 2.0

randomizer blog release cover

Randomization is quite a magical ability. With just a flick of your wand you can now fully eradicate order bias (ya know, the tendency for participants to respond inaccurately to questions due to the order of answers). This boon, previously reserved for your field’s choices, is now extended to your form’s fields as well.

Randomizer 2.0 (GPR) allows you to not only randomize the order of your fields but randomly select which fields should be displayed.

Easily design unique, repeatable personality quizzes, dynamic daily check-ins, and interactive practice tests, all configurable with a few clicks in your Gravity Forms settings.

Check out this example where GPR randomly displays three fields from a pool of 20 unique questions. Notice that even when the same questions shows up the answers themselves are randomized as well!

Get accurate responses on polls and surveys, plus fun, challenging, re-takeable quizzes!

Nested Forms: The :format Modifier

Did you know… that Nested Forms works with our popular All Fields Template plugin to allow you to filter the Nested Form field’s merge tag to display a specific value from a specific child entry?

Let me explain that better…

Imagine a user has added three child entries in a Nested Form field. Each child entry represents a registrant for your event. The first registrant will be the point of contact so you want to capture their email (which they’ve already entered in the Nested Form) in the parent form to send them an email with the full registration confirmation.

To capture that email, you could use a live merge tag like this as that default value in the Contact Email field:


Let’s break that down.

  • index[0] returns the first child entry.
  • filter[4] returns the value of field ID 4 from the child entry.
  • format[text] ensures that the text-version of the value is return rather than the default, html-formatted value.

We added the format modifier this week for a very similar use case! See it in action:

Powerful stuff! What use cases do you have for this functionality?

Resources & Mentions

Matt Medeiros Demos Feed Forge

It’s always flattering to get a little love from a WordPress legend. 😊

Hear Matt’s thoughts about Feed Forge, our latest free plugin, and see it in action!

How We Built a Randomized Quiz with Gravity Forms

We’re eating our own dog food and it’s delicious! Come learn how we’re using GP Randomizer 2.0 to help onboard our legendary support wizards with a fun, engaging quiz that ensures each wizard really knows their stuff. 🧙‍♂️

How to Automatically Show a Linked Datepicker in Gravity Forms

We’re creating lots of great video content over on YouTube. If you’re not already subscribed, now is a good time do that. 😉

Our current series is all about how you can spice up your Gravity Forms datepickers.

First up? A crash course on automatically opening up a second datepicker after a date is selected in the first datepicker. Think Start Date and End Date.

Product Updates

GP Advanced Phone Field (v1.0.25)

  • Fixed an issue where the default country setting would not be applied in some cases.

GP Conditional Pricing (v2.0.9)

  • Fixed issue with conditionally hidden fields used in pricing rules when used with Conversational Forms 1.3.1 or newer.

GP Email Users (v2.0.7)

  • Added gpeu_email_options PHP filter hook to modify emails before they are sent.
  • Fixed issue where numeric comparisons would not work with GP Email User’s conditional logic.

GP Inventory (v1.0-beta-3.37)

  • Fixed issue where you could select Multi Select and Checkbox fields when mapping Resource Scopes to fields in the Form Editor.

GP Limit Submissions (v1.1.16)

  • Added gpls_exclude_partial_entries filter hook to provide the option of including/excluding partial entries from the Limit Submission feed rules.

GP Nested Forms (v1.1.60)

  • Added support for :format modifier if using GP Nested Forms with All Fields Template. Example: {Nested Form:10:filter[3],format[text]}.
  • Added PHP DocBlock for the gpnf_add_button_max_message filter hook.
  • Fixed issue when targeting a single index with All Fields Template.

GP Preview Submission (v1.3.17)

  • Fixed JavaScript error in the form editor if using Firefox that could cause the merge tag selector to not initialize.

GP Randomizer (v2.0.2)

  • Added support for randomizing fields!
  • Fixed fatal error when saving feed settings.
  • Fixed PHP warnings.

GP Word Count (v1.6.4)

  • Fixed issue where the word count after submission did not reflect what was calculated on the frontend in some cases.

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  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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