Gravity Wiz Weekly 254

Our next workshop is brewing! Plus, how to create team signup forms *and* accept payments, filter by starred entries with Populate Anything, and a healthy dose of video sorcery.

Greetings, wizards!

Did you know that Gravity Wiz is 15 wizards strong?

I know it but sometimes I can’t believe it. Until I start drafting this newsletter and have to decide which updates I have the space to share. 😆

Which brings me to my question for you: are you still enjoying this newsletter? How can we make it better and more valuable for you?

Ok, that was two questions but in exchange for your answers, I present these small gifts…

Populate Anything: Filter by Starred Entries

Dynamically filter and populate field choices and values with posts, users, taxonomies, terms, Gravity Forms entries, and databases. Pretty much anything!

You can now filter by starred entries when populating choices and values from Gravity Forms entries in Populate Anything (GPPA). This provides a simple way to manually “approve” which entries should appear in your GPPA-populated fields.

Workshop: Email Validator

It’s time for an all-wands workshop with your favorite band of wizards annnd a very special guest! Hank Hoffmeier from Kickbox will be joining the party with a professional presentation about making your email marketing magical. Next, we’ll show you how you can implement all of Hank’s great advice with Email Validator. Genius.

As always, we’ll end our workshop with some good ‘ol fashioned open Q&A. You can ask us (and Hank) anything you want. We may not answer personal questions. 😂

Snippet Library: Watch & Learn

We make loads of updates to our massive Snippet Library every week but one thing stood out to me this week: we added a bunch of new instructional videos!

How To: Create a Multiplayer Team Signup Form & Accept Payments

Written by our friends at CosmicGiant, this in-depth walkthrough combines the power of Gravity Forms, the Stripe Add-on, our Nested Forms perk, and CosmicGiant’s Fillable PDFs to create a robust multiplayer signup form.

Register a team with as many players as you want. Then, collect payment in full and generate a PDF with each players registration data. No code required!

Building Job Boards in Gravity Forms: View, Manage, & Notify Job Applicants

The fourth video in our Building a Job Board using Gravity Forms series is here! We’re ready to starting viewing, managing, and notifying job applicants. 📋

Product Updates

Gravity Perks

GP Advanced Save and Continue. (v1.0.30)

  • Fixed regression concerning checking if Advanced Save & Continue was enabled on forms that could cause a PHP warning.

GP Entry Blocks (1.0-beta-2.7)

  • Improved compatibility with runtime caching added around the gform_pre_render filter hook in Gravity Forms 2.9.

GP Limit Dates (v1.1.28)

  • Fixed an issue with Limit Dates’ Inline Datepicker not showing the current month when setting gpld_disable_inline_date_picker_default_date to true.

GP Populate Anything (2.1.21)

  • Added Is Starred as an available property when populating from Gravity Forms Entries.
  • Added additional field_values parameter to the gppa_input_choices filter hook.
  • Fixed an issue with Live Merge Tags not working for checkable fields in the Form Preview.

GP Preview Submission (v1.3.23)

  • Removed a legacy cache purging method dating back to Gravity Forms <2.0 that could cause performance issues and served no purpose anymore.

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  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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