Gravity Wiz Weekly #62

gravity wiz weekly

Hello, wizards!

It’s been too long. You should write more. We miss you.

With Populate Anything out in the wild, our primary focus will be optimizing support. We’re incredibly excited about this project. Providing friendly, helpful, professional support has been a priority for us since we launched Gravity Perks over 5 years ago. What kinds of optimizations can you expect to see? We’re looking to:

  • better organize our documentation
  • improve the quality of documentation on older products
  • expand the documentation on newer products
  • make our library of over 400+ snippets more accessible
  • add additional support staff

It’s going to be an exciting couple of months!

In other news, Read Only has been updated with support for setting Paragraph fields with the Rich Text Editor enabled to readonly. Very cool!

Populate Anything has been out for a month now and we’ve made tons of improvements based on your feedback. Make sure to check out the latest version.

Until next week!

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Gravity Perks

Gravity Forms Emails Users (v1.3.8)

  • Updated plugin with localization support.

Gravity Forms Limit Checkboxes (v1.2.6)

  • Fixed conflict with Populate Anything where checkbox count was calculated incorrectly.
  • Fixed another potential performance issue.
  • Fixed a few performance issues when limiting a large number of checkbox fields.
  • Removed old documentation images.

Gravity Forms Limit Dates (v1.0.15)

  • Fixed issue where inline datepickers did not correctly show first selectable date.
  • Fixed issue where inline datepickers did not currently display selected date when rendered while hidden (via conditional logic).

Gravity Forms Limit Submissions (v1.0-beta-1.8)

  • Added support for not enforcing limits when editing via Nested Forms or Gravity View.
  • Fixed issue where the “month(s)” Time Period was not calculated correctly.

Gravity Forms Live Preview (v1.3)

  • Added support for disabling notifications on Preview and Live Preview submissions.
  • Added support for auto-passing options (i.e. AJAX, Unrequire) on Preview action link in Form List view.
  • Added ‘gplp_enable_form_action’ filter to allow enabling a “Live Preivew” action link to appear for each form in the Form List view.

Gravity Forms Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-6.18)

  • Fixed issue where {Parent} merge tag was case sensitive.
  • Fixed issue where modal header color setting was not saved correctly.

Gravity Forms Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-2.11)

  • Added a new “Special Values” group to the Filter Value select containing “Current User ID” and “Current Post ID”
  • Fixed issue where dynamic values would be populated with the first result even if dependent fields didn’t have a value.
  • Fixed potential PHP notice.
  • Fixed issue with dependent field detection when using another field value in a custom choice/value template.
  • Fixed issue with GF Entry object type “starts with” and “ends with” operators
  • Updated operators to force a custom input only when using the “is LIKE” operator instead of “is LIKE”, “starts with”, “ends with”, and “contains”
  • Fixed issue where choice placeholders such as no results and fill out other fields were not properly selected.
  • Added checkbox to toggle unique results.
  • Fixed issue with unique label/detection when using custom choice/value templates.
  • Fixed issue where dynamically populated values would not work with Gravity Forms Conditional Logic
  • Fixed notice when provided form ID does not exist.
  • Fixed issue where Checkbox field values were not saved correctly on submission.
  • Fixed issue where Calculation-enabled fields which included a GPPA-populated field in its formula were not recalculated when GPPA re-populated the field.
  • Fixed issue where GPPA prevented input toggles on fields such as the Address field from working.
  • Fixed an issue where GP Populate Anything fields wouldn’t properly populate when used with GP Nested Forms.
  • Fixed a potential PHP notice in the Gravity Forms form editor.
  • Fixed conflicts with forms using both pages and AJAX.
  • Fixed issue where the field value would be blank when using a Field Value Object field that’s pointed to a field using the Database object type.
  • Updated Number field to hide GPPA settings if Enable Calculation is checked.

Gravity Forms Read Only (v1.3.6)

  • Added support for read only when Rich Text Editor setting was enabled for Paragraph fields.

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  • Trouble installing this snippet? See our troubleshooting tips.
  • Need to include code? Create a gist and link to it in your comment.
  • Reporting a bug? Provide a URL where this issue can be recreated.

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