Introducing Google Sheets Beta 2

Send Gravity Forms data to and from Google Sheets. Secure authentication in a few clicks. Specify Sheets. Integrate with Gravity Flow. Retry API calls automatically.

Note: as of August 2024, this plugin is now part of the Gravity Connect suite as Gravity Connect Google Sheets. Learn more about this change.

It’s time I let you in on a little secret. Yeah, Google Sheets Beta 1 was kind of a big deal… But it was always the first phase of a larger plan.

Having Gravity Forms submissions inside Google Sheets unlocks tremendous potential for your data. Beta 1 provided the means to achieve this through secure sending and syncing. It gave us an opportunity to develop what worked while securing the spellpower (feedback) required for our next step. 

Today, we put this plan into motion! Let’s discuss phase two and our biggest (Beta 2) release to date. 

What’s new in Google Sheets Beta 2

Two-way Gravity Forms 🤝 Google Sheets connect via Populate Anything 

A seamless, secure, two-way integration is where things get exciting. Not only can you automatically send data to Google Sheets and unlock Google’s powerful functionality, you can dynamically populate that data back into Gravity Forms field choices and values with our BFF, Populate Anything, all using the same spreadsheet.

configuring gravity forms to google sheets two way send and sync

Secure authentication with a few clicks

No more compromising between security and convenience. Beta 1’s authentication flow prioritized security (only you have access to your data). We’ve retained all of this peace of mind while doing away with the clunkiness, introducing an authentication flow that replaces a tedious setup with a few clicks. 

secure gravity forms authentication flow for google sheets beta 2

Specify which Sheet you send to 

By popular demand. Beta 2 does away with defaulting to the first spreadsheet in Google Sheets. If you use multiple spreadsheets (i.e. tabs), you can now specify which you send to.

specify sheets using gravity forms google sheets

Gravity Flow: Add a Step for Google Sheets

Our friends at Gravity Flow help you automate business processes and save time using Gravity Forms. Our new Google Sheets integration allows you to include a step in any Gravity Flow workflow to send your data securely to Google Sheets. 

Retry API calls automatically

What if Google’s API is down, at capacity, or you run into any other connection error? Our support team can confirm: no one likes this kind of surprise! We built retry logic into Beta 2 so when any operation fails, GP Google Sheets will keep trying for you, in the background, until things just work.

This is powered by Action Scheduler, the same battle-tested job queue that powers WooCommerce.   

Ready to see what Google Sheets Beta 2 can do for you?

It’s time to engage phase two. Google Sheets Beta 2 is available now in your WordPress admin (via the Perks page) or by download in your Gravity Wiz account.

If you’re not a wizard (ahem, license holder) just yet — here’s how you can become one right now.

PS — curious how to get started? Check out this fresh resource on populating Gravity Forms data to and from Google Sheets. 


  1. Beth DeLucia
    Beth DeLucia February 21, 2024 at 3:06 pm

    I’m also using Nested Forms in combination with Google Sheets. Can I use the {Parent} merge tag to send parent form field values to a child form’s Google Sheet feed? For example, I want to include in the child form’s feed the parent field’s value that has an ID of 17. Would I add a custom value of {Parent:17}? Thanks!

    1. Samuel Bassah
      Samuel Bassah Staff February 22, 2024 at 8:34 am

      Hi Beth,

      This doesn’t appear to be currently possible. Adding the parent merge tag in the child form feed sends the raw parent merge tag to Google Sheets. I will forward this to our Product Manager as a feature request.


  2. Frank D'Angelo
    Frank D'Angelo September 8, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    May I make a suggestion? When matching form fields to sheet columns, how about a short-cut button that looks at the sheet headers and automatically matches the field names? Sure the headers may not match the field names, but when they do, it’s magical! I will export a single form entry as a csv file, then import that into my sheet, and voila – I’ve got all my field names as column headers. This button that I mentioned will match everything and I’ll be done in 2 minutes! Consider the time savings when there are multiple nested forms adding up to hundreds of fields – agghhh!!!! Thanks for a great product by the way!

    1. David Smith
      David Smith Staff September 11, 2023 at 10:06 pm

      Hey Frank, as Scott replied to you via email, this is a great idea and something we’re already tracking demand for. Definitely something we want to do but likely won’t make it in 1.0.

      1.1!? 🤞

  3. Frank D'Angelo
    Frank D'Angelo September 8, 2023 at 2:33 pm

    I use the Nested Forms plug-in. When I’m configuring a Google Sheets feed, why can’t I see all the form fields, including the nested ones? If I export the form entries to csv, then import to sheets, I get all the nested entries as well.

    1. Scott Ryer
      Scott Ryer Staff September 8, 2023 at 4:57 pm

      Hi Frank,

      Currently, individual child form fields can’t be accessed mapped in the GP Google Sheets feed on the parent form. If you want to pass those values to your sheet, you can configure a GP Google Sheets feed in the child form. The child form feed will process once the parent form is submitted, so everything should be grouped together in sequential rows. Rough example:

      Parent and child entry in the same sheet

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