Spotlight: Big Picture Building with Live Preview

See how SD uses the fabulous GP Live Preview to turn ideas into polished reality.

Building forms isn’t a process without review. “Happy accidents” might work for Bob Ross, but they’re less welcome in Gravity Forms. Often, those little errors only reveal themselves after embedding the form’s shortcode into a post, and become a frustrating time sink.

SD, a dear customer of ours, knows the importance of efficiency. He manages the online booking system for Westermill Farm, a traditional 500-acre working hill farm in the heart of Exmoor that also happens to be one of the best camping sites in the UK.

Ten years ago I started working with WordPress and felt lucky to find Gravity Forms… then I got even luckier when I found Gravity Wiz.

In this green field of luck, SD’s four-leaf-clover perk is GP Live Preview. It enhances Gravity Forms’ one-click preview functionality by showing exactly how the form will appear on the live site.

Westermill Farm’s campsite booking forms cater to the general public and Duke of Edinburgh groups, which can contain over 100 visitors—all processed in detail using GP Nested Forms. According to SD, Live Preview makes layout, refinement and troubleshooting not just much easier, but actually manageable.

For someone like myself who constantly makes “little errors” in form construction and maintenance, and requires edits aplenty, this plugin is a LIFE SAVER! … well, a “time saver” at least.

Here’s a look at one of SD’s forms, first without Live Preview and then with it:

Live Preview also provides several features for “making testing your forms a breeze and debugging almost enjoyable.” A few examples? You can turn multi-page forms into a single-page form, show hidden fields, and even enable AJAX—all with easily toggleable checkboxes.

Gravity Wiz’ perks have made it possible for me to visualize what I want to do with Gravity Forms, and when needed, Gravity Wiz Support helps me actually make it happen!

And that’s not all the magic SD has gotten from Gravity Wiz…

For almost a decade: from politely pointing out some of my glaring errors, to dedicating impressive expertise in tracking down a calculation bug in a field inadvertently left hidden in a form, to walking me through how to set up a booking system to allocate time slots for the largest community garden in Calgary, Alberta during the COVID pandemic—Gravity Wiz support has simply always been there for me.

Excellent software married to patient, professional support available in a trice — What’s not to love?!

Thank you for sharing your story, SD! Check out the forms SD built on his booking site, Westermill Farm Booking Forms—who knows, it might just inspire your next camping trip!

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