Category: Updates

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #156

On the menu: Email Users 2.0 gets redesigned from the ground up, pondering the deepest philosophical conundrums with Reload Form 2.1, and plenty of other Gravity Forms magic.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #155

Find things faster with faceted filtering for Populate Anything, plus, easy, breezy, beautiful Image Choices and Page Transitions.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #154

Greetings, wizards! We had another busy week helping customers do amazing things with Gravity Forms (and Gravity Perks, of course)… which means we’ve got a …

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #153

Introducing, GP QR Code. Plus, Nested Forms gets Advanced Calc support, adding Gravity Forms Inventory to your party tricks, and wizards wanted.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #152

Shorthand variables with GP Advanced Calculations, GP Inventory gets conditional logic, and a handful of fresh Gravity Forms snippets.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #151

Inventory levels up to beta 3 — and with it, brings new features and better integrations. Plus, more Dashboard Widget Controls, and the perfect antidote to spam.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #150

For our 150th edition, we dive into why we’re so excited about GP QR Code, explore custom Gravity Forms notifications, and provide discounted access to Legal Signing by ForGravity.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #149

Advanced Calculations turns 1.0, Netalys builds a daily salt intake calculator using Gravity Perks, and other sweet, suite highlights.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #148

Notification (Re)Scheduler 1.2, send spam where it belongs, and Populate Anything’s automation alchemy.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #147

This week, we’re dedicating the newsletter to our blog and its best free resources, plus two brand new free plugins!

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #146

More love for Page Transitions, faster inventory is better inventory, and how Verifyi9 uses automation to scale business growth.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #145

Become a merge tags master! Plus, full name search & URL-based filtering for Entry Blocks, and how ZeeDesign brewed a potent perk-filled potion for the ages.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #144

New, sorcerous spellcraft within. Get early access to a new perk for Page Transitions, plus Limit Checkboxes receives a Libertarian tweak.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #143

Our most sorcerous Q1 highlights, bonus features for Entry Blocks, and custom child entries for Nested Forms.

gravity wiz weekly

Gravity Wiz Weekly #142

No April Fools jokes here — these spells are all real. New WordPress Dashboard widgets, a new Filters block for Entry Blocks, new translations for Better User Activation, and more.