Documentation Category: Hook


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Filter whether gform_pre_render should be utilized when fetching the new markup for fields when populated via AJAX. While disabling gform_pre_render during AJAX can be …

gpfup_jpeg_quality (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesIncrease JPEG quality to 1 (100%) for all uploaded imagesSinceDescription Filter the quality used for JPEGs when auto-cropping and manual cropping. Usage Parameters jpegQuality float …

gpfup_strip_image_metadata (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesInclude image metadata/EXIF on all uploaded imagesSinceDescription Filter whether or not image metadata (EXIF) should be stripped from the image when uploaded. Disabling metadata is …

gppa_should_trigger_change (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesRequire input to have at least 4 characters before triggering a change.SinceDescription Override when fields and Live Merge Tag values are refreshed when dependent inputs …

gpfup_strings (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesCustomize the “select file” button text for a specific fieldSinceDescription Filter the localized strings used on the File Uploader. Usage Parameters strings object Localized strings …

gpfup_skip_image_loader (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Filter whether or not the image loader (Blueimp) should be skipped. This can be advantageous if large images are frequently uploaded. The image loader …

gpnf_fetch_form_html_after_delete (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesDisable automatically loading child form HTML after child entries are deletedSinceDescription Filter to determine if the child form HTML should be refreshed after deleting child …

gpnf_fetch_form_html_after_add (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesDisable automatically loading child form HTML after child entries are addedDescription Filter to determine if the child form HTML should be refreshed after adding entries. …


DescriptionUsageParametersSinceExamplesOverride limit of a specific choiceDescription Filter the choice limit for a given choice. Usage Apply to all fields on all forms. Apply to all …

gpfup_cropper_options (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesDisable rotatingSinceDescription Filter the options/properties that are sent to vue-advanced-cropper. Usage Parameters options object Options to send to vue-advanced-cropper. Additionally, enableRotate can be included as …

gpfup_image_extension_whitelist (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Filter image extensions that will be used to determine if the uploader is only accepting images. Usage Parameters extensions string[] Allowed image extensions Since …

gpfup_prevent_drop_outside (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersSinceDescription Filter whether or not drop events should be blocked outside of the File Upload Pro drop area. Usage Parameters prevent_drop_outside boolean Whether or not …

gpfup_image_loader_options (JS)

DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesScale instead of cropping based on dimensions set in the cropping settingsSinceDescription Filter the options that are sent to blueimp-load-image. Usage Parameters options object Options …


DescriptionUsageParametersExamplesRelax template cache to not include field IDSinceDescription Modify cache key for template processing as required. In some cases, it can be advantageous to relax …


DescriptionUsageParametersDescription Filter whether terms should be looked up by ID when filtering posts by taxonomy. This is useful when filtering taxonomies with numeric slugs by …