gpfup_strings (JS)

  1. Description
  2. Usage
  3. Parameters
  4. Examples
    1. Customize the “select file” button text for a specific field
  5. Since


Filter the localized strings used on the File Uploader.


gform.addFilter( 'gpfup_strings', my_custom_function );


  • strings object

    Localized strings

  • formId int

    The current form ID

  • fieldId int

    The current uploader field ID

  • gpfupInstance GPFUPField

    Current File Upload Pro class instance


Customize the “select file” button text for a specific field

 * Gravity Perks // File Upload Pro // Customize the “select file” Button Text for a Specific Field
 * Instructions:
 *   1. Install our free Custom Javascript for Gravity Forms plugin.
 *      Download the plugin here:
 *   2. Copy and paste the snippet into the editor of the Custom Javascript for Gravity Forms plugin.
window.gform.addFilter( 'gpfup_strings', function( strings, formId, fieldId ) {
	// Update '123' to the Form ID and '4' to the File Upload Field ID.
	if ( formId != 123 || fieldId != 4 ) {
		return strings;

	strings.select_files = 'Select an image';

	return strings;
} );


This filter is available since Gravity Forms File Upload Pro 1.0.2.