Gravity Wiz Weekly #108
Performance improvements for Populate Anything + more Snippet Library love.

Greetings, wizards.
As always, we’ve got a ton of awesome new content for you this week but the headline updates are two performance improvements to Populate Anything.
First, we’ve dramatically improved the performance of forms using lots of Live Merge Tags and conditional logic. Requests for Live Merge Tag values are now processed in a single, debounced batch rather than on every conditional logic change.
Second, we’re now only outputting the Populate Anything script on the frontend when the form is deliberately using Populate Anything features. While we could always identify if a field had it’s values or choice populated via Populate Anything, we didn’t have a reliable way to identify if a form contained live merge tags. Now we do! And your non-Populate-Anything-enabled forms will thank us for it.
Alright, wizards. Until next week.
Snippet Library
Better Inventory.
Still the best way to track inventory for your products with Gravity Forms. This week we made a minor markup fix that affected Single Product fields with the quantity input disabled.
Create Raffles with the Unique ID perk.
Use our this snippet with Unique IDs to generate multiple unique IDs per submission. This is a great way to create raffle tickets! This week we added support for waiting for payment before generating the IDs.
Append or prepend values to merge tags.
Let’s say you wanted to to have “{Your Name:1}
‘s Signature” as a field label but… in some cases, you wouldn’t have the user’s name. This snippet can help as it will only append the value if the merge tag returns a value: “{Your Name:1:append['s ]}
Signature”. Pretty sweet, right?
Gravity Perks
GP Conditional Pricing (v1.2.44)
- Added gpcp_price PHP filter to complete it’s JS counterpart.
- Added docblock for
JS filter.
GP File Upload (v1.0-beta-1.7)
- Fixed issue where File Upload Pro could inadvertently bind multiple times on the frontend.
GP Limit Dates (v1.0.25)
- Fixed a potential integration issue with GPPA and GPRO.
GP Limit Submissions (v1.0-beta-2.4)
- Fixed issue where embed URL rule would prevent submissions on all URLs after submission.
GP Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-9.13)
- Added support for processing values formatted as currency via the :sum modifier. (#67)
- Fixed a potential issue where fields with a parent merge tag may reset.
- Fixed a potential issue with iniFormScripts and currentPage number.
GP Notification Scheduler (v0.9.15)
- Fixed an issue where GPSN sent notifications for trashed entries.
GP Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-4.159)
- Added class to form element when navigation was disabled. (#137)
- Added support for read-only Datepicker fields and GPLD.
- Improved performance with Conditional Logic and Live Merge Tags by batching XHR/AJAX requests more efficiently.
- Improved logic behind when Populate Anything enqueues JS/CSS on the frontend.
- Fixed PHP notices related to wp_localize_script() after upgrade to WordPress 5.7.
- Fixed issue where populating Prices would not work as expected with Gravity Forms 2.5.
- Fixed a potential issue when using LMTs on conditionally hidden address fields.
- Fixed a potential issue generating PHP notices.
GP Read Only (v1.9.1)
- Fixed an issue where GPRO UI may show an incorrect state.
GP Unique ID (v1.3.22)
- Fixed an issue where starting number was not parsed correctly on reset.