Gravity Wiz Weekly 124

Checkboxes for Scoped Inventory, toggle Read Only dynamically, a guide to smart forms, and Gravity Wiz is growing!

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards!

Another wonderfully worthwhile week has whizzed by. Where do the days go!?

We’ll keep working on spells to slow time but while you’re here, spare us a minute to share some of the new features and resources we crafted this week at Gravity Wiz. 😊

Ignore Form Restrictions in Live Preview

Gravity Forms Live Preview is all about convenience. Want a glimpse of what your form looks like on your website without having to publish it first? Bother not with creating a new post, configuring shortcodes, or publishing anything. One click of the handy Live Preview option conjures your form on the spot.

Now, Live Preview provides the option to ignore Gravity Forms’ built in form restrictions like entry limit, form scheduling, and requiring a login. 

Live Preview includes additional charms like Unrequire – which lets you skip required fields for faster testing, and Show Hidden – for seeing all hidden fields to catch those sneaky issues that might otherwise be invisible.

ignore form restrictions in live preview

We’ve been told Live Preview is so nifty it makes debugging almost enjoyable. πŸ˜†

New to Gravity Forms Inventory: Checkboxes for Scoped Inventory βœ…

A few weeks ago, we announced Shared Scopes for Gravity Forms Inventory. Scopes allow users to specify available inventory by another field (for example, a date), which makes managing inventory for things like events or appointments a cinch (Bonus: Harry Potter uses Scoped Inventory to sell tickets to his Quidditch match). 

But what about if Harry Potter wants to throw an afterparty?

This is where Checkboxes for Scoped Inventory can help.

Let’s say Potter’s party provides tables that witches and wizards can book in advance.

With these recent updates to Gravity Forms Inventory, Harry can present each table as a checkbox in a Checkbox field on his form and scope table inventory to the date of his event.

Witches and wizards can reserve as many tables as they want and only tables that still have remaining inventory for the selected date will be available. 

This Checkbox functionality can apply to any use case you can imagine involving inventory grouping with Scoped Inventory.

Gravity Wiz is growing!

Exciting times! We’re looking for a software engineer to join our ranks.

The sorcerer in question will help us squash bugs and implement new features for our growing suite of Gravity Forms add-ons. 

We’re looking for a true PHP/JavaScript wizard with strong frontend skills (Vue/React) and a wealth of experience with WordPress plugin development. Read the full JD here. If you’re interested or know the right wizard, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re a friendly bunch (of nerds). πŸ˜„

gravity wiz wizard


Read Only | Enable Read Only Dynamically Based on Input – Read Only allows you to set any fields as viewable but not editable on your forms. These fields can also have values pulled from Populate Anything. What’s more: you can now toggle the read only status based on interactions with your fields and values pulled from Populate Anything!

Here’s an example where you can enter a new address or select from a previously submitted address. If selecting a previous address, the β€œverified” address is not editable.

Format Date Merge Tags – This snippet allows you to customize how merge tags for dates are displayed in any PHP date format. You can see this in action on our Inventory demo, where we capture a date field in the MM/DD/YYYY format, and then use this snippet to provide a custom date format on the merge tag to output the date as (for example) Thursday, October 21st.

Advanced Conditional Choices in Gravity Forms – Last week, we published a Beginner’s Guide on Conditional Choices. This week, we’re diving wand-first into advanced conditional choices. Have you ever wanted to create smart forms that automatically change the available choices in a choice-based field (like Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Drop Down) based on user input? Look no further!

Gravity Perks

GP Conditional Logic Dates (v1.1.1)

  • Fixed an issue where poorly formatted times could result in conditional logic failing.

GP Conditional Pricing (v1.3.6)

  • Updated conditional logic evaluation to use Gravity Forms helper function rather than our own.

GP File Upload Pro (v1.2)

  • Added new gpfup_scripts PHP filter for filtering the registered scripts.
  • Added data-file-type and data-file-ext attributes to each file to enable more specific CSS targeting.
  • Added support for rehydrating File Upload Pro fields connected to Gravity Forms User Registration update feeds.
  • Fixed PHP warning that could occur if Single File Upload fields are present in a form.

GP Inventory (v1.0-beta-1.5)

  • Added gpi_choice_inventory_limit PHP filter.
  • Improved support for using multiple checkbox fields on the same form using the same resource.
  • Fixed fatal error if a resource property was mapped to a field that did not exist.

GP Populate Anything (v1.0.23)

  • Fixed an issue where choice based fields with LMT values failed validation on submit.

Alright, wizards. Until next week. πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

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