Gravity Wiz Weekly 130

Gravity Forms Notification Scheduler 1.0 is here! Plus, track packaged products with Gravity Forms Inventory, and a tale of wizards with big hearts.

gravity wiz weekly

Greetings, wizards!

Most businesses are winding down for the holidays. Us? We’re trying. But first, how about a brand new perk release? πŸ˜‚

Gravity Forms Notification Scheduler 1.0 is here.

Notification Scheduler lets you take control of how and when you send notifications, and strategically schedule notifications to arrive when it can help you, your customers, your users, and anyone else.

With great timing comes great possibilities. Drip campaigns. Recurring offers. Reminders. Renewal and subscription notifications. Birthday discounts – and countless other spellbinding ideas. 

This seamless integration allows you to schedule notifications after any notification event (like a form submission or user registration), on a precise date and time, and before or after a date captured on a form. You can also resend notifications on recurring schedules forever or end them after some time.

With Gravity Forms Notification Scheduler, your only limitation is time itself. 

Want to learn more?

Track packaged products with Gravity Forms Inventory

Selling multiple products individually and selling those same products as part of a package? 

This week we’ve released a free snippet that lets you add dependencies between packaged products to track inventory when either the individual product is purchased, or the same product is purchased as part of a package.

A quick example. If you sell bottles of shampoo and conditioner, you may want to sell a combo package of the two. Using this snippet, when a buyer purchases a package of shampoo and conditioner, the inventory of individual items will also be reduced, and vice versa.

Just one more way to manage almost any type of inventory with Gravity Forms Inventory. 🀘

Wizards with big hearts – holiday edition!

A smart way to boost local clothing donations is to make it effortless to do so. 

DonateClothes.UK removes the friction in donating your excess wizardly robes. Their robust online donation form requires donors only to set a time and place. The team will then come to your doorstep and pick up any wares you have to offer. πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ

We spoke with Pavel Nazarov, who works with DonateClothes.UK, about how they use Gravity Perks to make this happen. Here’s what’s under the hood of their donation scheduling form.

  1. Their multi-step booking process involves multiple forms but appears as a singular experience through the use of Easy Passthrough
  2. Populate Anything lets them display data confirmations and communicate the details collected back to clients.
  3. Gravity Forms Date Time Calculator calculates the number of days between the booking date and the current date.
  4. They limit the available booking dates to a maximum of ten days past the current date using Limit Dates.
  5. Each form submission generates a client reference number using Gravity Forms Unique ID.
  6. They use our free Format Date Merge Tags snippet to collect the date in one format (for example, 2021/12/17) and output a date as December 17th, 2021.
  7. Lastly, they use this snippet to auto-populate date fields and output a date confirmation on select dates.

Through their simple collection process, they’ve raised over Β£1.4 million for partner charities across the UK. Coming into the holiday season, this one’s special to us.

“Gravity Forms and Gravity Perks blend together so well that you can customize your forms and see advanced results without any coding knowledge.” – Pavel Nazarov

A warm thank you to Pavel Nazarov and the DonateClothes.UK team for sharing your story and the work you do. If you’re in the UK, definitely check out their website and consider a donation this holiday season! 

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Nested Forms: Custom Crons β€” If a Nested Form is submitted, but the parent form is never submitted, the child entry becomes orphaned. Orphaned entries expire after a week, and Nested Forms will clean up expired entries daily so they don’t fill up your database. This snippet demonstrates how to customize the cron to run more (or less) frequently, depending on your project’s needs.

Limit Dates: Pad Minimum Date Beyond Current Weekend β€” Last week, we wrote about how Strawberry Hill Museum uses Gravity Forms Inventory to streamline their ticketing process.

Their museum tour registration form requires that tours only be booked on weekends. In addition, when booking a tour, tours can only be booked for the following weekend, as opposed to being able to book a same-day ticket when booking on a Saturday or Sunday. 

We helped this Pro customer achieve this required functionality by developing this custom snippet that forces the minimum date beyond the current weekend if the user is booking on a Saturday or Sunday.

Choose Which Fields to Add Attachments From β€” Gravity Forms provides the option to add all uploaded files as attachments, but it does not offer the ability to choose which fields to attach. One of our Pro customers needed this functionality, and we were happy to help. This snippet allows you to attach a specific field’s uploaded files to selected notifications by name and field ID.

Gravity Perks

GP Better User Activation (v1.2.4)

  • Improved compatibility between GP Better User Activation with GP Disable Entry Creation.

GP Copy Cat (v1.4.50)

  • Improved conditional logic handling for accuracy and efficiency. (#40)

GP File Upload Pro (v1.2.1)

  • Added gpfup_uploader_ready JS action so other perks can safely subscribe to GPFUP events after the uploader has initialized. (#49)

GP Inventory (v1.0-beta-1.10)

  • Fixed trailing commas, causing a fatal error in PHP 5.6 (#23)

GP Nested Forms (v1.0-rc-1.3)

  • Added support for screen readers on child entry edit actions.
  • Added gpnf_enable_duplication filter to enable “Duplicate” action for child entries.
  • Added gpnf_duplicate_entry filter to allow modifying the entry that will be duplicated.
  • Added gpnf_populated_entry filter to allow filtering the entry that is about to be populated into the child form for editing.
  • Added enableFocusTrap to gpnf_init_script_args.
  • Improved loading experience for Nested Forms by preventing the max entries message and row actions from showing on initial load.
  • Improved default styles for Nested Form fields.
  • Improved screen reader support for modal interactions.
  • Improved accessibility of keyboard navigation. Tabbing is now restricted to focusable elements in the Nested Form modal when opened.
  • Updated Nested Entries template to display “Duplicate” action when enabled via filter.
  • Fixed conflict where GPFUP’s editor actions (cancel/crop) were not interactable when opened from a Nested Form modal due to GPNF’s new focus trap.
  • Fixed issue where button submit animation was not triggered when submit was triggered by “Enter” keypress.
  • Fixed issue where calculations of multiple parent forms on the same page could conflict causing modifiers such as :total to not work as expected.
  • Fixed issue where datepicker widget was not focusable due to focus being trapped in the Nested Form modal.
  • Fixed issue where 3rd-party usage of GPNestedForms.loadEntry() would result in an error if the modal had not yet been activated.
  • Fixed issue where jQuery UI modal was not updated to work with our new build flow.
  • Fixed potential JavaScript errors when submitting/editing entries for some use-cases.
  • Fixed issue where new focus trap where it would prevent certain elements from being clickable such as Address Autocomplete results and File Upload Pro’s cropper.

GP Randomizer (v1.0.1)

  • Added support for randomizing choices in Survey Add-On Rank fields.

Alright, wizards. Until next week. πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

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