Gravity Wiz Weekly #83: 2019 in Review
Where the heck did 2019 go!?

Happy New Year, wizards.
As eager as we are to divulge all of our wizardly plans for 2020 (and we’ve got big plans!), we want to dedicate this weekly to all we accomplished in 2019. It was a great year! Here’s the highlight reel.
- We kicked off the year with a bang, unleashing Populate Anything on the wizarding world of Gravity Forms.
- We hired two amazing support wizards to help us provide even more magical support. Gravity Wiz is now a four-wizard operation.
- We gave Nested Forms the makeover it always wanted and the love it always deserved. The 1.0 release is imminent!
- We resolved over 4,300 support requests with a 92% happiness rating. Additionally, we responded to nearly 900 comments on our blog.
- We acquired two plugins! Live Population was sunsetted in favor of our powerful Populate Anything perk and Easy Passthrough was released as a new perk.
- We published 9 tutorials, 3 free plugins, and made 800+ updates to our Gravity Perks suite.
- We beefed up our security with our first round of security audits. More to come in 2020!
- We engaged with the wider WordPress community at WordCamp Europe and made some new friends at PressNomics.

Our commitment to making the most full-featured, well-supported, thoroughly documented Gravity Forms add-ons is relentless! There’s never been a better time to become a Gravity Perks customer.
Alright, wizards. Until next week.
Gravity Perks
Better User Activation (v1.1.10)
- Updated custom activation page redirect to preserve query parameters.
Easy Passthrough (v1.4.12)
- Updated auto-mapping to support mapping by admin label for single-input fields.
eCommerce Fields (v1.0.34)
- Added compatibility fix for upcoming GF Coupons 2.9.3.
- Added acceptance tests.
- Fixed performance issue on AJAX-enabled forms when many Calculated Products were present.
- Fixed issue where Calculated Product field containing {subtotal} merge tag could result in infinite recursion.
Limit Checkboxes (v1.2.12)
- Fixed issue where checkbox limits were not correctly applied on AJAX-enabled forms when a Checkbox field was hidden by conditional logic by default.
Nested Forms (v1.0-beta-8.26)
- Added ‘gpnf_init_nested_form’ jQuery event to improve compatibility with GP Populate Anything’s Live Merge tags when used in a Nested Form.
- Updated ‘gpnf_init_nested_form’ to be a Gravity Forms JavaScript Hook rather than a jQuery event.
- Fixed issue where order of child entries in backend did not match the order of child entries submitted on the frontend.
Populate Anything (v1.0-beta-4.14)
- Added ability to use empty custom values as valid filter values. This allows for “is not blank” filters.
- Added support for using the label instead of the raw value when a field with dynamically populated choices has its entries exported.
- Added compatibility for using Live Merge tags in Nested Forms. Note: this requires GP Nested Forms 1.0-beta-8.24 or newer.
- Added support for Admin Field Labels when listing out fields/inputs as properties for filters, templates, and ordering.
- Improved performance of dynamic population of choices, values, and Live Merge Tags. The Wiz is confident you will enjoy these sorcerous optimizations!
- Improved handling of post date filter when used with
, and<
operators. - Improved compatibility with dynamic choice population and Gravity PDF.
- Updated GP Nested Forms compatibility layer to use gpnf_init_nested_form Gravity Forms JavaScript Hook rather than jQuery event.
- Fixed regression where inputs in fields such as the Address field wouldn’t work as a filter.
- Fixed issue where Live Merge Tags would use dropdown/choice values rather than labels. If you still wish to use the value of the choice, use the
modifier provided by Gravity Forms. - Fixed issue where Live Merge Tag fallback modifiers would not work in static usages such as the Entry Details view in the WordPress admin.
- Fixed an issue where Gutenberg and Elementor’s editor would fail to load when editing a page containing a form dynamically populated with GP Populate Anything.
- Fixed issue where dynamic population wouldn’t work in some cases when editing a submitted entry via the Entry Details » Edit screen.
- Fixed issue where fields with dynamically populated choices would show the value instead of label in notifications/feeds when used with GP Nested Forms.
- Fixed conflict when using using inputs in multi-input fields such as Address as filter values on a multi-page form.
- Fixed regression with using GP Populate Anything in GravityView search widgets.
- Removed opacity change for disabled form navigation.
Unique ID (v1.3.16)
- Fixed issue where field settings were reset due to incorrect values in GP_Plugin variables.