Spotlight: One Perk for 25,000 Pricing Levels with AdhamDesign
Learn how one concierge service uses Conditional Pricing to accommodate 25,000 pricing levels for their booking form.

Ever found yourself in need of a helping hand when taking a flight somewhere new? Through concierge services, transit assistance, porter services, and passport fast-tracking, intends to do just that. Their services span the globe, and aim is to lessen the burden that comes with airport transit.
As developer Adham Maher worked on the booking form for Airport Greet, he found himself perplexed with countless pricing possibilities:
- Over a dozen individually priced services
- Prices differing based on airport selected (select any airport, anywhere)
- Unique services based on arrival or departure
- Additional pricing variables like nationality and number of passengers
The cherry on top: an optional, snazzy VIP package with each.
Let’s look at a quick example where I’m pretending (fantasizing) I was arriving in Cairo airport as a foreigner right now:

In total, Adham’s form would have to accommodate 25,000 different pricing levels. 🤯
“I searched the internet and the best thing that happened to me was finding Gravity Wiz and the Conditional Pricing Perk. It was really amazing.”
Gravity Forms Conditional Pricing makes it easy to create flexible pricing levels in Gravity Forms Product fields based on conditional values in your form.
In Adham’s case, he needed to import pricing rules in bulk. To do this, Adham took advantage of Conditional Pricing’s secret Bulk Importer, a little slice of magic we’ve covered in the past. This allowed him to import all 25,000 rules into Gravity Forms and fit rules to his own conditions.
Though, he did have a little bit of help.
“…the support, especially from Samuel, was impressive. He really helped me to understand the formula of the CSV file. I filled all the data and I imported it successfully with the help of Samuel.”
We love to see it! Thank you to Adham of for sharing his story, and of course, our epic support master mage Samuel.
Adham leaves us with a bold claim: “More than 25,000 pricing levels — I think this is the most pricing complexity that exists using Gravity Forms. :D”
Can you top it? Let us know below!